Who wants the attention of the audience, she has a good heart to die!

  Xiaomei Meimei is not easy to relax, and because of the assistant's words, she hangs up in an instant.

  A mouthful of yogurt stuck in my throat, and I couldn’t swallow it and spit it out.

  Unexpectedly, the assistant reminded her very unobtrusively, “Miss, you can’t drink too much yogurt a day. Drinking too much hurts the stomach.”


  This is all right, and finally spit it out!


  The annual high society charity evening party is held in a suburban manor.

The organizer of the    party is a predecessor with an excellent reputation in the business world. All the people who come to join the party are particularly large, and the slightly famous people in the Chinese business circle have all attended.

  In the huge manor, a stage was set up early in the morning and a banquet venue was set up.

  As soon as the sky darkened, guests began to come in.

  The Ye family and Shan family are the strongest families in the Chinese business circle today, and they are also the finalists.

  Ye Zhan's punishment is getting older. After a serious illness, he rarely shows up in public, and basically does not attend such banquets. Usually, Su Yiru representatives come to donate precious jewelry.

  But today, the banquet hasn’t even started, and there is already news.

  The Ye family will have special representatives attending this year.

  I heard that the person who came here is not only the Ye family who has a close relationship, but also the heir of the YX Group, which has gradually caught up with the three major families in recent years.

  As soon as the news came out, the people who attended the banquet were all looking forward to seeing who the mysterious person was.

  Of course, the person most anticipated by the audience is the single heir, Shan Tingye, who is firmly ranked first in the Chinese business circle.

  Most of those who came to the banquet had children, especially girls of the same age. Almost all of them were brought in to see the family heir who was said to be able to manage a group at the age of five.

  If Shan Tingye's favor and marrying into Shan's family, it would be equivalent to flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix.

  Just thinking about it, I was excited to make countless people compete for an invitation letter, for fear of missing this excellent opportunity.

"I just get off here. Grandma said, let me go to the Ye Family Lounge and wait at the venue first. She will ask someone to bring me a dress." Xiao Meimei motioned to her assistant to park the car at the back door of the manor and stretched out her hand. Just ready to push the door and get off.

  "Miss, the first time you are here, the subordinates should send you back to the room before leaving to be safe." When the assistant saw her get off the car, he hurriedly followed, and eagerly followed Xiao Meimei.

  When Xiao Meimei saw him following up again, she immediately stopped, her big eyes slipped, and then she spoke.

"Grandma told me about the location of the lounge, and I can ask the waiter inside after I go in. You won't find the room. Your mission is very important. If you get late for the jewelry, I won't be able to make it to the auction. Yes, my dad will definitely be very angry."

   "Miss, don't worry, the subordinates will have time." The assistant glanced at it and replied respectfully.


   is to follow her life and death, right?

  Xiao Meimei was already collapsed and was about to lie on the ground and roll her eyes. She really hadn’t seen such a hard-hearted assistant. No wonder her father would let him come and watch her. It was just a plaster that could not be removed.

  It’s really hard for a person to walk around with her like this. It’s hard for her to stay unobtrusive. What should I do?

  Smoke was about to be emitted from the top of Xiao Meimei's head, she bit her scalp and walked two steps forward, and suddenly squatted down with her belly in her arms.


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