365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2654: Who dares to touch her hair? (4)

  "Single, single total..."

As soon as Baoquan saw that the people who came were Shan Tingye, all of them showed surprised expressions, and helped up the companions who had been knocked down by Shan Tingye, and stood aside respectfully, not even daring to breathe.

  "Master Tingye..."

  Just now, Yan Yan, who was still arrogant and domineering, saw Shan Tingye descending from the sky. She was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth. She stared blankly at his handsome face, half-hearted.

  Especially the sentence he just said, like a thunder, blasted in everyone's ears.

  Just when everyone was immersed in shock and no one dared to speak, Xiao Meimei suddenly saw Shan Tingye approaching her and said sweetly.

   "Brother Tingye."

  Simple four words, and the people who have finally come back to their senses are stunned and tender!

Everyone knows that Shan Tingye is the only son of the Shan family, and there is no sister at all. The person who can make him so protective and call his brother must be of good standing, but they were one or two just now, and they dare to point. Her nose scolded her for being lowly and unworthy of entering the banquet venue...

Suddenly, the person who helped Yan Yan target Xiao Meimei just now turned ugly. She looked sullen and looked at their Shan Tingye coldly. His body shook and he almost didn't kneel down. !

  "Master Tingye, everything is a misunderstanding. We don’t know this lady is your sister. If we knew..."

   "If you know, you wouldn't laugh at her because she is not in a dress and she is of bad origin?" Shan Tingye interrupted them coldly, a coldness condensed between her brows.

  The sharp eyes crossed everyone in front of him.

  Immediately, the few people who wanted to explain just now all knelt down, "Master Tingye, we have no eyes. Your lord has a lot. Don't worry about us."

"how so……"

  Even Yan Yan, who couldn't return to God, finally realized that she had provoke someone who shouldn't be offended. She immediately knelt down on the ground with her face like ashes.

  The makeup on her face was splashed with champagne, and it looked even more scary than ghosts at the moment.

  She also wanted to work hard today to give Young Master Tingye a chance to see her. In the end, she saw her, but in his eyes, there was only disgust and killing intent...

   Yan Yan shuddered in fear!

  Shan Tingye constricted his eyes, turned around, and looked at Xiao Meimei, who had always been calm, with a small smile on her face. Since seeing him come, she has not revealed any grievances of being bullied.

  The confident light, as if without him, she would not be bullied in vain.

   is really a stubborn little girl.

"I found out that I really can't let you stay with Youyou. You have become as violent as her. When did you learn karate?" Shan Tingye stretched out his hand, squeezed her small face, in a gentle motion, with Spoiled.

  His enchanting face is like a good jade, in the dim light, it is very gentle, and the smile at the corner of his mouth is too soft at the moment, making everyone look dumbfounded for a moment.

  Xiao Meimei pouted, let go of Yan Yan, and clapped her hands, "Dad taught that girls should learn some self-defense techniques to protect themselves. I am not strong, I am a three-legged cat Kung Fu."

  If she hadn’t heard Yan Yan saying bad things about Tingye’s brother just now, she wouldn’t have been so angry. She would actually compare her truth to her and let Tingye’s brother see her fighting.

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