She wears a goose-yellow little ocean dress, which can be broken by blowing her white skin.

  Slap-sized face, charming and charming.

  The design of the waistband of the skirt outlines her gripping waist and straight and slender legs.

  With the ornaments on her chest, it adds a perfect touch to her dress.

  What Bai wanted, but it was Xiao Mei Mei Neng who made her debut, but he forgot that even without those precious jewelry, Xiao Mei Mei could make everyone unable to look away.

   "Brother, are you all ready, the banquet is about to begin." Jiang Nan walked in from the door, and was stunned as soon as he spoke.

  A pair of long and narrow peach blossom eyes narrowed, staring at Xiao Meimei standing in front of the sofa without turning, her mouth opened, but she couldn't speak.

   "Brother Tingye, what's the expression of Brother Jiang Nan? Are the clothes on my body strange?" Xiao Meimei tugged at the hem of her skirt uncomfortably.

  She has always felt that something is wrong since she finished changing her clothes.

   But I just can’t think of it for a while.

   Now looking at Jiang Nan's weird gaze, she was even more uncomfortable than she could say.

  I blamed my dad, the clothes she prepared were so gorgeous, so she could only ask for help from grandma temporarily. Who knew that changing grandma's clothes felt even more wrong.

"It's not surprising, it's beautiful, it's so beautiful! This dress is completely tailored for you!" Jiang Nan once regained consciousness, walked forward, and walked back and forth around Xiao Meimei a few times, looking more and more. Don't open your eyes.

  Hearing this, Xiao Meimei's body became stiff, and a white light flashed through her mind, finally knowing why she kept feeling that something was wrong!

  Yes, it's too fit, it's like a dress tailored for her!

  Is it okay to dress like this to attend the banquet? Is it too noticeable?

   "I'll change back to my original clothes."

   Xiao Meimei panicked, turned around and was about to run to the dressing room, “You help me ask grandma for another dress. I don’t want to be so good-looking, the more ordinary the better!”

   "Aren't you? The banquet has started. Are you planning to change back your T-shirt and jeans?"

   Jiang Nan grabbed her wrist, "Time is too late!"

   "But it's too late to go out in such a dress, this dress is so good-looking." Xiao Meimei paused, withdrew her hand, looked at Jiang Nan anxiously, and then at Shan Tingye.

   "You are beautiful, not a dress, you just go out in a T-shirt and jeans. It is also highly regarded, but because it is too alien, it attracts more people's attention."

   Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows and said sincerely.

  The words fell, for fear that Xiao Meimei would not believe it, she snorted at her, "Otherwise you go and look in the mirror to see if you are beautiful or your dress is beautiful."

   "..."! !

  Can still be more beautiful than a piece of clothing like this?

  Xiao Meimei looked up at Shan Tingye blankly, wanting to ask for his opinion.

   "Jiang Nan didn't lie to you. What you wear is not the point. As long as you show up, your identity will attract everyone's attention." Shan Tingye stepped forward and took her hand.

   "Follow me at ease, and I will solve your concerns."

   "However, if I go out, everyone will think that I am the heir of YX Group, what about Uncle Fifth?" Xiao Meimei grabbed Shan Tingye's arm and asked anxiously.

  She originally just wanted to hide in an inconspicuous corner and leave quietly after the banquet was over, but now it seems that this trick is completely unworkable.

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