Finally, Shan Tingye dialed Yao's phone and asked him to come over and drive, carefully hugged her to the back seat, and directly sent her back to the apartment in the community.

  She was really sleepy. She opened her eyes when he picked her up, but when she saw him, she just chuckled and muttered.

   "Brother Tingye, I dreamed of you again." Then the little head rubbed his arms and fell asleep again.

  A simple sentence made Shan Tingye's arm tremble and almost fell her.

  Does she often dream of him like this?

  Here often, she is used to it?

  Dan Tingye couldn't calm down for a long time because of her unintentional dream talk, staring at her peaceful sleeping face, holding her arm tighter and tighter, almost trying to pull her into his body.

   "Master, it's already here."

  Yao parked the car at the entrance of the apartment complex and responded respectfully.

   "The key is in her carry-on bag, you open the door in front." Shan Tingye gave an order, pushed the car door, lightly carried her out of the car, and strode towards the apartment.

  This was the first time he looked at her room seriously after she came back.

  It didn't take long for her to come back, but the whole apartment looked very warm everywhere, almost at the first glance, he was stunned.

  Especially on the head of her bed, there was a group photo of them when they were young.

   In the photo, Xiao Meimei stood beside him obediently, her small hand tightly pulling on his sleeves, her small body was almost close to him, while on the other side, Jiang Nan was holding her hand.

  He remembered that this photo was taken on her first day in kindergarten.

  At that time, she was bullied as soon as she arrived in kindergarten. The little one cried into tears. She cried and ran to his classroom with Jiang Nan and said that she was going home. She didn't like kindergarten.

  At that time, he didn't say anything to Jiang Nan, so he led her back to the classroom and gave a severe lesson to the male classmate who bullied her. Then, not only was she not happy, she cried more fiercely.

  "Xiao Meimei, don't cry, my brother vents your anger, why are you crying?" Jiang Nan looked blankly at her who was about to die, and she was about to kneel.

  As a result, she sobbed and choked, and she cried for a long time before she was relieved, and she said with tears in her nose and tears on her face.

  "I like my elder brother, but my mother said that you can’t beat the kids. If you don’t obey, you will be beaten when you go home. I don’t want my brother to be beaten...oooo!"

  Before he finished speaking, he cried again and became a tearful person.

  It was just her words, but they were firmly engraved in their minds.

  It was also from that time that protecting her became a tacit understanding between him and Jiang Nan that did not need to be discussed.

  Looking at this photo, many pictures in my memory soon followed in his mind, and Shan Tingye’s eyes became deeper.

   Put her on the bed and cover her with a quilt. Shan Tingye did not rush to leave, but sat on the side of her bed and looked at her.

  Until Yao reminded at the door, "Master, it's late."


  Shan Tingye frowned, lowered her head and kissed her forehead, "Good night."

  His upright figure turned and stepped out of the room.

   "What is this?" Shan Tingye glanced at the file on the table, stepped forward, and squeezed it.

   "Back to Master, this is Miss Meimei's thing. When the subordinates saw it fell in the car, they took it for her, as if it were work notes." Yao replied respectfully.

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