"Shan Hanjie, are you naive?"

   "You call me naive?!"


  Shan Tingye listened to the conversation on the other end of the phone, and stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, "Mom, my porridge is ready, and I will call you another day."

   "Okay, take care of yourself and eat more...dudu!"

  Qin Youxuan's words were not finished before the phone was disconnected.

   glanced at the hacked mobile phone screen, Shan Tingye constricted his eyes, knowing who did the good thing without guessing.

  He put the phone aside, adjusted the temperature to keep warm, tried a bite with a spoon, and it tasted just right.

  So when she wakes up hungry, she can drink delicious porridge.

  Shan Tingye walked out of the kitchen and walked back to her room.

  Xiao Meimei slept deeply, breathing evenly, faintly audible in the quiet night.

  He walked up to her, looked at her delicate little face, just reached her face and stopped again.

  She slept soundly, and he was afraid of waking her up.

  He covered her with the quilt, his eyes were deep, and he looked at her fixedly, as if looking at her like this, the bottom of his heart would be filled, there was no gap.

  I don’t know how long it took before he glanced at the phone.

  It's already two o'clock in the morning.

  It's time for him to go.

  Shan Tingye looked at her deeply, curled his eyes, just about to get up, his hand was suddenly grasped by a soft little hand.

  He turned his head in surprise, and found that she really grabbed his hand.

  It's just that she didn't wake up at all, her petite body turned over to the bed, her hand just pressed his.

  Thinking that it sensed something general, I grasped it firmly.

   muttered, rolled his hand into his arms, as if he had been on a pillow, and hugged his arm comfortably.

  Shan Tingye was startled by her sudden behavior, black eyes looked at her unexpectedly, and just about to pull her hand back, she saw that Xiao Meimei hugged her in her arms even harder.

  His arm is on her chest, there is...

  Shan Tingye's body shook, and immediately, a glimmer of light passed through his eyes.

   Looking at Xiao Meimei, who was harmless and didn't know what she had done, a helpless smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

  She is like this, he can't go, and don't want to sleep.

  Stupid girl, when she wakes up tomorrow, I am afraid that she will be too ashamed to see people.

  Shan Tingye sat beside the bed for a long time, and she didn't mean to let go. Her petite body seemed to smell a familiar smell, but she leaned against him even more.

  Looking at the behavior she relied on, his body seemed to be in a cast, completely forgot how to react.

  In the end, Shan Ting Yeye didn't know when he was lying next to her, so he looked at her charming little face and saw her embrace her in his arms, let her sleep with his chest.


  The morning light was spilled on the curtains, and a soft light was engulfed.

  Shan Tingye's dark eyes opened wide, and he turned to look at Xiao Meimei who was sleeping in his arms.

  It's still early, and she hasn't woken up yet.

  Shan Tingye moved slightly and found that she had released his arm, but her head was still on his chest.

  His eyes flashed, he stretched out his hand and gently moved her head away, and sat up.

  Before she woke up, she went to the bathroom to take a cool shower, and Yao gave him a set of clean clothes.

  Wait for him to change his clothes and re-enter the kitchen to make sure that the porridge is still good. Then he walked back to the room, wrote a note, and stuck it to her bedside.

  After doing all this, I stepped out of the apartment.

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