"No." Xiao Meimei was taken aback, and said eagerly.

  Her eyes still fell on Shan Tingye, who was sitting alone eating there.

  Even his posture when he eats is so good-looking that makes people reluctant to look away.

  Obviously, what he eats is similar to her plate, but because of the elegance of his meal, people always feel that his plate is like the food specially cooked by a five-star chef.

  His expression is always cold, as if he is not easy to approach, but the appearance of sitting quietly eating there makes her feel that his figure is a little lonely.

   almost subconsciously, she actually had the urge to go over and eat with him with a plate.

   "The president... why did he come here to eat suddenly?" Xiao Meimei held the chopsticks tightly, and asked instinctively.

  After her words fell, all the colleagues at the table looked at her with surprise in their eyes.

  The next second, they looked at the secretary one after another. Sister Li was an old man in the planning department, and she spoke quickly.

  "Don’t be surprised, Secretary Lin, Yu Xin is just here, she doesn’t know the rules, she is more curious, don’t care about her."

  "Yes, yes, you just don't hear what she said." Xiao Fang also helped to speak nicely.

  There are regulations in the group that employees are not allowed to talk about their superiors behind their backs, especially Secretary Lin, who is next to Shan Tingye. Except for the special assistance of Yao, they dare not offend anyone.

   "It's okay, it's not a big deal. Since the president is here, he won't be forbidden to talk." Secretary Lin glanced at Xiao Meimei, with a rigorous smile on her face.

   Then, she turned to look at Shan Tingye who was eating alone, frowned, and spoke softly.

   "Actually, to be honest, I don't know. The president decided to come to the staff restaurant for a meal on a temporary basis. I saw him as if he was looking for someone, and then I sat down to dine."

  Secretary Lin is a very rigorous person. He only said a few words indifferently, then looked at Xiao Meimei again, and didn't say any more.

   is just the look in her eyes, which always makes Xiao Meimei feel that she has something in her words.

  Others don't know who she is, but she has been to the president's office so many times, Secretary Lin must remember her.

  Then she said, brother Tingye came to the restaurant to find someone, is it looking for her?

  But he had already seen her just now. Not only did he not come to talk to her, but he also acted as if they didn't know him at all, turned his head and walked away, making her worry for so long.

  If you are not looking for her, who is Tingye looking for?

  Someone can make him come here without even eating, his expression is still so lonely...

The mess in Xiao Meimei's mind and all kinds of guesses made her face wrinkled into bitter gourd. In the end, she lost her appetite for eating. She secretly stared at Shan Tingye while others were not paying attention. Look.

  Watching him finish eating everything on the plate, he calmly picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth, and finally stood up from the table.

  The moment he turned around, his gaze fell steadily on her face, his eyes facing each other, and his deep black eyes made Xiao Meimei tighten her body in an instant.

  His gaze stayed on her face for less than three seconds, and then passed her, like a okay person, stepping towards the exit of the restaurant and disappearing from his sight.

  Xiao Meimei stared at him blankly, and didn't know how she left the restaurant in the end.

  Back to the planning department, I was overwhelmed by busy work again.

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