"Could it be that your planning department is all about anticlimactic, and you don't have to be responsible if you only do half of it?" Shan Tingye stepped closer to her, staring at her fixedly.

   "Of course not." Xiao Meimei bit her scalp and looked at him, met his insistent gaze, gritted her teeth, "Half an hour, within half an hour, I will check it and send it to you to ensure that there is no typo."

  After Xiao Meimei finished speaking, she ran outside after passing him.

  As she passed by Zhong Qing's side, she couldn't help but turned her head and glanced at her.

  Zhong Qing's attention is not by her side at all, but always looking at Shan Tingye behind her, her eyes are bound to shine, which makes people very uncomfortable.

  Xiao Meimei bit her lip, forced herself to calm down, and walked out of the president's office holding the documents.

She had to go back to the planning department to find a way to change a document. This document was not sent to the president's office at all. If Shan Tingye finds it out, she still doesn’t know how to scold her, in case she is involved in Secretary Lin and planning. Colleagues in the department are not good.

  "Master Tingye doesn’t need to be so angry. It’s just a small employee who does bad things. Is it worth your effort? If you don’t like it, just fire it."

  Zhong Qing got up from the sofa, walked behind Shan Tingye, and put a hand on his shoulder.

  His eyes fell on his upright back, his eyes full of unconcealable love.

  I took another look at the office chair where no one was sitting on it. Her beautiful Danfeng eyes narrowed and her face was slightly ugly.

  She has been silent, which does not mean that she did not recognize it. The girl who was sitting in his office chair just now was the girl who followed Jiang Nan yesterday.

  The night she came back, she thought that the person who could attend the banquet was a young lady, but now it seems that she is just a woman who clings to Jiang Nan because of her beauty.

  Now he can’t even do his own job well, and rashly sends things to Shan Tingye’s office.

  The only way to look like a fox.

  She still dared to sit in Shan Tingye’s chair, and she was actually wandering between the two brothers after hooking up one to another. This kind of woman, if she is not driven away as soon as possible, with her face, sooner or later will be a disaster.

   "When is my employee, Zhong's turn to take care of it?" Shan Tingye turned around and waved her hand coldly, giving Zhong Qing a cold look in her eyes.

  Just now because Xiao Meimei was there, he wanted to know if she cared about him at all before she let her touch him. Now Xiao Meimei is no longer there, and he doesn't even bother to deal with Zhong Qing.

  Shan Tingye turned around, walked to the office chair, sat down and began to read the documents.

  Zhong Qing was ridiculed by him, stunned, thinking it was his own illusion, did not take it to heart, saw him preparing to deal with work, and quickly walked up to the front and put a snack in his hand.

  "I have tasted this. It's not sweet. Try it."

   "It's working time, I'm afraid it's not convenient to entertain Miss Qing, you can go." Shan Tingye caught a glimpse of the snack at hand, and the disgust in his eyes was almost written on his face.

  Looking at Zhong Qing's gaze, she couldn't see the slightest warmth, as if she was back when she first came just now.

  He hindered the face of Mr. Zhong, did not let her go out, but he did not look at her directly.

  Because she didn't want people outside to watch the jokes, she chose to sit in embarrassingly and drink coffee.

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