365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2731: Invitation with ulterior motives (2)

  Zhongjia Manor.

  This is the third time Xiao Meimei has stepped into this place.

  Every time, the memory is very bad.

  Intuitively told her that she shouldn't promise Zhong Qing to come, but when she heard Shan Tingye came back, she couldn't help but agree.

  She told herself that she didn't want to see him, she just wanted to know what is the relationship between him and Zhong Qing.

  "Miss Yu, please here." When the servant saw her, he immediately stepped forward respectfully and showed her the way.

"It's very quiet in the manor today. It doesn't look like there is a banquet. What's the matter?" Xiao Meimei walked forward for some distance, only to find that the surroundings were quiet, and there were not many people walking around, and there was nothing outside. Any arrangement, asked suspiciously.

   Her words fell, and the servant immediately answered respectfully.

   "Miss Hui Yu, the banquet was arranged by the eldest lady. The venue is not outside, it is in the villa of the manor."

   "In the villa?"

  Xiaomei's eyebrows twisted, and she was even more puzzled, why Zhong Qing would have a party in the villa in such a big place outside.

  She couldn't guess what she was thinking at all, but she felt more relieved when she thought that Shan Tingye would also come.

  Following the servant and entering the villa, she remembered one thing.

   "By the way, I want to ask, where is Uncle Zhong's room? I want to say hello to his old man."

  "The old man is out today, and he is not in the manor. I am afraid that Miss Yu will not see anyone." The servant will answer every question, and the attitude is also irreverent, but Xiao Meimei just feels that something is wrong.

  Especially when I heard that Zhong Nianhua was not in the manor today, this feeling of anxiety became more and more magnified.

  The servant quickly retreated, and she was the only one in the huge living room.

  Is Zhong Qing kidding her?

  Notify her to come over at six, it is almost six thirty now, there is no one.

  Xiaomei’s eyes flickered, she pulled out her phone from her small bag and edited a text message, [Tingye brother, I have arrived, when will you come? 】

  Checked it several times, and when she was hesitating whether to send it out, she heard a frolicking from the top of the stairs, and within a few seconds, she saw a group of people walking downstairs.

  Most of them are people who appeared at Zhong's small banquet last time, and Xiao Meimei probably remembers them.

  The person walking in the forefront is Zhong Qing.

  Just, why are they all wearing...pajamas?

  Xiao Meimei stood up from the sofa, with puzzled words written in the beautiful child pupil, and she sent out the text message as soon as she slipped her finger.

  It was too late for her to cancel, so she simply put her phone back in her bag and looked at Zhong Qing who was walking towards her.

"you guys……"

  Just as Xiao Meimei was about to ask them why they were dressed so strangely, someone interrupted her.

   "Miss Yu is such a big shelf. Even if she is late, she came here without changing her clothes. Do you want to embarrass the sisters when you dress like this?"


  Xiao Meimei was startled, frowned, and looked at the speaker.

  At the age of twenty, she is very young, beautiful, and has a good posture. At first glance, she is a young lady who has received deportment training since childhood.

  Even if you are wearing pajamas, it will not make you feel frivolous at all.

  As soon as the first person speaks, someone immediately agrees.

   One after another of accusations, flew towards Xiao Meimei.

  Xiao Meimei stood there. She hadn't deliberately dressed up, just changed into a decent little dress, and she didn't even paint her makeup.

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