365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2736: Invitation with ulterior motives (7)


  This time, no one stopped Yan Yan, but watched her fall on the champagne tower. The champagne wetted her clothes, and many broken glasses cut her skin.

  Blood mixed with champagne spilled on the floor.

  In the first reaction, Shan Tingye stretched out his hand to cover Xiao Meimei's eyes, turned his head fiercely and glared at everyone who had accused Xiao Meimei just now, his thin lips opened slightly.

   "If you let me hear another ugly sentence coming out of your mouth, Yan Yan will be your fate!"


  The audience was chilling!

Shan Tingye didn't stay for half a second, and strode out of the living room with Xiao Meimei in his arms.

  "Master Tingye stay!"

  Zhong Qing gritted his teeth and chased him forward.

He didn't expect that he would come suddenly and let him hear what they said just now, but they were all facts, and he couldn't take them anything, but she couldn't let Shan Tingye think that today's matter was deliberately aimed at Yu Xin. , Otherwise he will even hate her.

   "Master Tingye, listen to my explanation, today's affairs, everyone is unintentional...Ah!"

  Before Zhong Qing finished speaking, Shan Tingye stretched out his hand, slammed her neck, and directly pressed the person to the wall.

  He looked like Shura, with perfect sword eyebrows and stars with killing intent, staring at Zhong Qing fiercely, gritted his teeth.

"Don't think what you want to do, you can hide it from everyone. I don't want to kill you. I don't dare. I don't want Zhong Shibo's white-haired person to send black-haired people. You should be fortunate that you have a good grandpa who can accumulate virtue for you! "

Shan Tingye pinched her hand suddenly, looking at Zhong Qing's horrified eyes, he narrowed his evil eyes, "If there is another time, I don't care who your granddaughter is, I will make you regret coming to this world. !"

  He released his hand suddenly and watched Zhong Qing collapse to the ground in a cold sweat. He didn't even look at it. He hugged Xiao Meimei again and was about to leave the manor.

  "Shan Tingye, where am I inferior to her? Don't forget, they are not telling lies. You are brothers and sisters, and you will never be together!"

  Zhong Qing looked at his decisive back, not knowing where the courage came from, suddenly shouted.

  Her words fell, Xiao Meimei's body obviously froze, like a statue, stiffly trying to come out of his arms.

  It’s okay for her to be scolded, but she can’t hurt Brother Tingye...

"do not move."

  Shan Tingye hugged her tightly, and turned his head coldly to look at Zhong Qing, with only contempt in his eyes, and his thin lips opened slightly.

   "If it weren't for her, I wouldn't even look at you again."


  Zhong Qing's face turned white, and his hands pressed **** the floor.

  Sure enough, as she thought, he would suddenly talk to her, drink coffee and eat snacks with her, all to stimulate Yu Xin!

  She is a chess piece in his palm, she actually stupidly thought that she was different in his heart...

  Zhong Qing's eyes were splitting, and he roared, "Even if it wasn't me, it would never be her! If you are together, you will be looked down upon for the rest of your life!"

   "So what? I'm afraid of a few rumors?" Shan Tingye looked at her amusedly, with a wicked curve evoked at the corner of his mouth, with a smile but a smile. The look in her eyes was like looking at a clown.

  He hugged the person in his arms tightly, and stepped out of the manor.

   Cautiously put her in the car, and checked it up and down again, and confirmed that she was just shocked, her face was a little ugly, and nothing else was okay, so she suddenly sighed with relief.

"never mind."

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