365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2741: Step by step into her heart (5)

  If you don’t hurry to send her back, she can still turn the sky.

  As soon as the car stopped outside the apartment in the community, he was still lying in his arms just now, lethargic. The drowsy person seemed to be energized all of a sudden, and suddenly woke up.

  Her big eyes first slid around in the car, and finally fixed her gaze on Shan Tingye’s face, and reached out to touch his face.

   "I know you sent me back, thank you! My house is here, goodbye!" She grabbed the car door with her little hand, pushed it aside, and got out. She did not act quickly like a drunk person.

  She also walked very straight, in one direction, as if walking straight, without any skew, and walked straight forward.

   "You go back first, I will stay and take care of her." Shan Tingye confessed, pushing the car door and quickly following.

   stepped forward, and just about to speak, she realized that her eyes were actually closed!

  She can walk the road in a straight line with her eyes closed. Is this a supernatural power?

Shan Tingye was stunned, and even forgot to tell her, he kept following her, watching her with her eyes closed, and walking in the right direction. When he walked to the elevator, he lifted his little finger several times without pressing the button. He was unhappy. He opened his eyes and squinted, after pressing the elevator, he closed again.

  The pink cheeks were red, and when the night wind blew them, not only did they not fade, but they became more red, and the red cheeks seemed to be bleeding.

  Walking to the apartment, she began to look down her head to look for her small bag, dig out the key from the inside, and hold the key to find the keyhole. After trying several times, she didn't open it right.

  She also seemed to be anxious, her petite body stuck to the door panel, and she patted the door hard.

  The little mouth still mumbled, "It makes you unable to open, makes you disobedient, and you will be beaten if you disobey. I will let Brother Tingye hit you, and I will tear you apart tomorrow..."


  In her eyes, he is a demolition worker?

  Dan Tingye was eye-opening today. After she was drunk, she was so charming that she couldn't help but laugh.

  He stepped forward, supported her swaying body, took the key, opened the door, and carried her in.

   Put on the sofa, turned around and went into the bathroom, preparing to twist her with a hot towel to wipe her face, and twist out the hot towel, but she was gone!

   "Xiao Meimei."

  The first reaction of Shan Tingye was to look at the door, which was locked inside, so she probably didn't go out.

Does    enter the room?

  He took the towel, went into her bedroom and looked around, but no one was found.

  No master bedroom, no guest room, not even on the balcony...

  Damn it! In the blink of an eye, where did she go?

   Shan Ting's ambition tightened, and he turned and walked out of the balcony. Just as he was about to take a look at the kitchen, he saw a small figure lying on the floor of the living room.

  Her petite body is facing down, and she is lying on the ground, she just rolled off the sofa...

  Shan Tingye paused, watching Xiao Meimei, who fell to the ground without feeling conscious, her face turned blue and purple.

   stepped forward, just reached out and picked her up, but she kicked her.

   "Sleepy, don't touch me, let me sleep." Her lips moved, and she spoke with a strong hint of coquetry.

  "Wipe your face clean first, it smells like alcohol, how do you sleep?" Shan Tingye moved her gently, put her on the sofa, and wiped her face with a towel.

  Xiao Meimei opened her eyes and glanced at him, as if she recognized him, sat obediently, and stopped moving.

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