With this shaking, Jiang Nan's fist was swung straight towards her face!


  Youyou looked at the fist in front of her for a second, and closed her eyes subconsciously.

  Waiting for several seconds, did not wait for the pain to come, slowly opened her eyes and looked at the fist that stopped only one centimeter on the tip of her nose.

   Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard Jiang Nan’s cold voice, "You lost."


  Youyou looked at him pale, not afraid, but an accident.

   For the first time, she felt that she was not familiar with the person in front of her at all. This man, who always had an indifferent face, seemed to hide a lot of secrets in him.

  "Who is your coach, I want to learn from him, can you introduce me to it?" Youyou regained her senses, without losing a bit of decadence, picked up her whip, and stepped forward to ask him.

   "With your qualifications, you can give you ten coaches, and you can't beat me." Jiang Nan walked to the sidelines, took a towel and wiped his face casually, giving her a glance.

   "Hey! Don't be proud of me if you win. If you have the ability, go and fight Shan Tingye!" Youyou walked up to him, sat down on the chair, shaking his legs, staring at him unhappy.


   Jiang Nan's action of wiping sweat, a glimmer of light flashed across his eyes.

"But to be serious, you really don't look like such a powerful person. Can you tell me how you practiced?" Youyou is eager to win, but it's not that you can't afford to lose. She is convinced to lose and wants to improve. Yourself.

  Even her badass dad said that only if you lose enough times can you slowly become undefeated.

  She is still young, she is not afraid.

  "It was you who lost, not me. The person who should answer the question is not me." Jiang Nan threw away the towel in his hand, turned his head to look at her, and his eyes were displeased.

  I haven't seen her for a while, her skill is a lot stronger, and her vocal ability is even stronger.

  Since she just came in, she hasn't stopped.

   "I'll just ask this question, let you ask the head office for everything else, right?" Youyou grabbed her finger and sat on the chair obediently, with full sincerity.

  Jiang Nan glanced at her, his eyes dimmed, and after waiting for a while, he said quietly.

   "Why do you want to practice martial arts?"

   "Huh?" Youyou startled.

   "No one is born to like fighting, you are a girl, do you have to be so violent?" Jiang Nan asked her in a different way.

   "I was in Adolf's parents' college, and my grandfather kept telling me that there are no weak people in Adolf's family, so I have to work hard to become stronger." Youyou crooked his head and thought for a while, and answered seriously.

   Hearing this, Jiang Nan hooked the corner of his mouth, evoking a self-deprecating sneer.

   "I am different from you. I want to protect the people I care about, so I must be strong."

  Jiang Nan turned to look at her, “It’s not that you work hard to become stronger, but you have to become stronger, strong enough to shelter her from wind and rain.”

  "Who is that person?" Youyou were startled. For the first time, she didn't obsess about the fight, but asked nonchalantly.


   Jiang Nan's face stiffened, just for a second, and then resumed as usual, saying indifferently, "I didn't specifically refer to anyone, is my mother counted?"

   "You come here less, I know that auntie is a very powerful policeman, she doesn't need your protection." Youyou made a face at him and made it clear that she didn't believe it.

   Jiang Nan did not continue to explain, but looked at her, his expression became serious, "How did you find this place?"

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