365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2777: An overwhelming scandal! (4)

  As soon as his voice fell, the entire planning department was instantly silent.

  Everyone looked at Shan Tingye who fell from the sky in amazement, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

  The President really came to the planning department and stood in front of them alive. Isn’t it really their illusion?

  They actually talked about his gossip in front of the president just now, and talked about his right and wrong...


There was a sound of inhalation in the planning department, and then everyone seemed to be electrocuted, swishing toward their seats, and within a second, the crowd that was still together dissipated. In the department, the rigorous working atmosphere was restored in an instant, and only the rustle of documents turning over was heard.

  "President, do you have any new instructions?" When the head of the planning department heard Shan Tingye coming, he hurried over from his office and stood in front of him panting.

  Looking at Shan Tingye who looked unhappy, he was so nervous that he held his breath.

  He also heard about the entertainment news, but did not expect to gather people to chat within his jurisdiction, and was caught by the president.

   Discussing his personal affairs in front of the president, it seems that he has been the director of the planning department for a long time. Will the president now let him go home and eat himself?

"The documents of the new development project that the Planning Department is responsible for have not yet been delivered to my office. How did you become a minister?" Shan Tingye watched as he hid away from him, wishing to clarify everything with him. Meimei, her eyes shone sharply.

  Unluckily, he became the head of the planning department standing in front of him.

  "President, isn't the time for the submission of the new development project tomorrow?" the head of the planning department responded coldly.

  Looking at Shan Tingye’s condensed face, his back was soaked.

   Hearing this, Shan Tingye first became stiff, and then his face became even more ugly.

"The employees of the planning department had time to chat. It seems that the work is too idle. The group appreciates your hard work and the rule that overtime is not allowed is now abolished. Before I get off work today, I want to see the contract for the new development On the table!"

  The words fell, Shan Tingye glanced over Xiao Meimei who was shrinking in the corner, her palms tightened, her eyes closed, and she stepped out of the planning department.

   "You have all heard that, if you don't draw up a new cooperation case today, none of you will want to get off work!" The director of the planning department swept around and said that he hates iron and steel.

   Seeing that Shan Tingye didn't have an assistant, he hurried to catch him and send him off.

"Yu Xin, were you okay just now? Did you have a fall? I'll accompany you to the medical room to see." Seeing that the people around had disappeared, Sister Li hurried forward and reached out to support the small shrunk in the corner. Meimei.

Xiao Meimei's face was very pale, like white paper, she couldn't find a trace of blood. She bit her lips tightly, her cherry lips were already red, but she seemed to feel no pain, staring blankly at Shan Shan. The direction Ting Ye left.

  In my mind, the comments made by the employees of the planning department kept echoing.

  The hand hanging on his side was tightly clenched into a fist, and the nail was pierced into the palm, and it was bloody.

"I'm okay, but my head hurts a bit. I'll just go to the medical room by myself. You can work quickly. The Minister will come to remind you later." Xiao Meimei pushed away sister Li and forced a smile at her. .

  As soon as his petite body turned, he walked towards the outside with a mechanical step.

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