365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2794: The secret in his lockbox (11)

Perhaps she has not had a father since she was a child. Since she was born, her mother has been unhappy more and more time. She always feels that she is not behaved. It is her arrival that made her mother lose her father and have to face external pressure. .

  She once heard a lot of people pointing to her mother, saying that her life was disorderly, so she gave birth to a child before she was married, and called her a drag oil bottle...

  She never thought that someone would be happy because of her birth.

  After Shan Tingye told her, she remembered that she was happy for a week. Every day she went to bed, she would dream of marrying Tingye’s brother and be his little daughter-in-law.

  Later, when she grew up, she realized that they were brothers and sisters and they could not be together. The little daughter-in-law Qin Youxuan said was not her, but Youyou.

  It’s just that she never dared to ask Shan Tingye again, whether the little daughter-in-law in his heart has also changed...

   Xiao Meimei stood there, fixedly looking at the password box in front of her, slowly raising her fingers, resisting the fear in her heart, and entering according to her birthday.

  One second, two seconds...

  She has never felt that time has passed so slowly, the frequency of her heart beating, as if it was going to jump out of her chest.


  The password box is open!

  Xiao Meimei stared at the unlocked box in front of her in a dazed manner, standing sluggishly on the spot, staring at her fingers in a daze.

  Really her birthday?

  Shan Tingye actually used her birthday as a password. Does he remember what he once said?

  Suddenly, Xiao Meimei felt that she was alive. She fixedly stared at the password box that had opened a gap and swallowed her saliva forcefully.

  Finger just touched the edge of the password box, and then retracted.

  Standing in place a little at a loss.

   Knowing that Shan Tingye used her birthday as her password gave her great courage, and even made her look forward to the things in the box, but the more she looked forward to it, the more she was afraid.

  I was afraid that Jiang Nan’s answer was not what she wanted, and she could not bear the despair that fell to the bottom for a moment.

   Repeatedly took a deep breath, Xiao Meimei's pale face slowly returned to her blood, closed her eyes, and opened the safe in front of her.

   "Yu Xin, be brave!"

   Secretly cheered herself up, she hesitated for a few seconds before slowly opening her eyes.

   Seeing the wood carvings neatly arranged in front of me, my petite body froze in an instant!

these are……

  Her crystal eyes shone with a strange light, and her lush white fingers stroked the outermost wood carving. The smooth touch made her fingertips tremble.

  In her mind, for some reason, the scene of her attending a charity dinner for the first time suddenly appeared.

  At that time, Shan Tingye gave her a Trojan horse ornament.

  She asked him if it was customized, but he did not deny it.

   But seeing the row of wood carvings in front of me, Xiao Meimei was inexplicably determined that they were all carved by him...

  But why does he have to carve so many portraits, it looks like a miniature from small to large...

  Why did Jiang Nan say that there is the answer she wants?

  Are these wood carvings the answer Jiang Nan said?


   There was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, and Xiao Meimei's messy brain was too late to react. She hurriedly wanted to close the safe when she saw that the office door had been pushed open from the outside.

  Youyou's slender figure squeezed in from the crack of the door, and she saw Xiao Meimei standing in front of the bookshelf with red eyes, her eyes widened unexpectedly.

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