Since Xiao Meimei came back, he has always wanted to give this gift to her, but never thought that it would be in his absence.

  When she saw the gift, was she surprised, surprised, or happy? He can't see everything!

  Recalling the appearance of her rushing out in a panic just now, Shan Tingye's hand tightened suddenly, completely forgetting that she was still holding Youyou's wrist.

   "It hurts, you are going to crush my bones!" Youyou's eyes narrowed, and he quickly withdrew his hand, glaring at Shan Tingye who was blocking her.

  It’s fine if he doesn’t chase Meimei, and he even blocks her. Now it’s fine, everyone is gone, and she can’t catch up if she wants to chase.


  San Ting's wilder loosened, looked down at her, squinted, and forced out a sentence from his teeth, "Tell me what you saw and heard just now, without failing to tell me."


  In the huge office, the sound of a quiet needle falling on the ground can be heard.

  Shan Tingye sat at the desk, his deep facial features were cold, his angular face was full of enchantment, he just sat there quietly, and there was a chill on his body, which made people shudder.

  The dark eyes were slightly curled up, and the long black eyelashes blocked his vision, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

  Youyou finished talking about what she saw, and then shrank back in fear, thinking about whether to check the timing, and ran away.

"Um, Shan Tingye, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, I'll leave first." Youyou said, before Shan Tingye answered, immediately turned around and ran towards the office door, and slammed the door open. , Rushed out!

  Escape from birth!

  In the quiet space, only Shan Tingye was left sitting there lonely.

   Watching Youyou's figure disappear before his eyes, only what she said was left in his mind.

  Xiao Meimei saw his woodcarving. There was no joy on her face, only panic. Her face looked ugly like a blank sheet of paper... What is she panicking? What are you afraid of?

  Everything he did, did she scare her like that?


  Shan Tingye clenched his fists with both hands and slammed it **** the table. With a wave of his arm, he swept all the documents on the table to the ground.

  He got up from the chair aloud, his arms propped on the table, his chest was violently up and down, and his handsome face was covered with haze, as if he was about to eat people.

  Fifteen years of waiting, fifteen years of waiting, in the eyes of Xiao Meimei, is it like being entangled by the devil?

  It’s no wonder that as soon as the news from the TV station came out, she was busy drawing a line with him. Even when he went to the planning department to look for her, she would just call him the president coldly...

  President...what a sarcasm!


  Shan Tingye raised his foot and kicked to the corner of the table fiercely, so powerful that he kicked the entire desk crooked.

  The long figure turned around, stepped forward to the bookshelf, opened the lockbox, and looked at the neat wooden carvings inside. The youth that he carved out stroke by stroke seemed to be a joke for an instant.

  He stretched out his hand to grab the outermost wooden sculpture, raised his hand violently, and just about to throw it out, his fingers tightened, and the back of his hand was blue. After several attempts, he still couldn't throw it out.

  As long as he thinks that the woodcarving in his hand is Xiao Meimei, he can't do it...How could he be willing to throw her away.

  Dan Tingye's face was in a haze, and the corner of his mouth raised a self-deprecating smile. He slowly took the woodcarving down and placed it in front of him. His long fingers stroked the portrait's cheeks, whispering lowly.

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