She almost told Shan Tingye that she liked him.

  She almost became the third party between him and Youyou...

  Thinking so, her hands tightened suddenly, without even noticing the nails pierced into her palms.

  The petite body curled up into a ball, hugged himself helplessly, with his small head drooping, for a long time there was no way to recover from the impact.

   "Miss, if you don't give me the address again, I will have to pull over and park." The driver turned his head and spoke slightly teasingly.

  Xiao Meimei raised her head subconsciously, and the tears on her face were too late to wipe.

  "Oh, don’t be like that, pretty girl, if you’re broken in love and don’t know where to go, I think you might consider strolling in the amusement park, which will give you a lot of joy."

  The driver was a middle-aged uncle in his fifties. He immediately persuaded him when he saw Xiao Meimei's appearance.

  Xiao Meimei was startled, then she reached out her hand to wipe her tears, and shook her head gently, "I want to go home."

   Xiao Meimei reluctantly pulled out a smile, reported the address to the driver, and bowed her head again.

  The driver tried to persuade her again. She didn't listen to a word. As soon as the taxi stopped at the gate of the community, she immediately paid before she opened the door and ran in, like a beast behind her.

   Embarrassed and unwilling to look back, let anyone see her fragile appearance.


  Xiao Meimei's petite body squeezed into the door, and when she turned around, she closed the door heavily, her thin figure clinging to the door panel, her forehead leaned up, tears of forbearance seemed to burst the bank instantly.

  Wow, cry out.

  She didn't know what she was crying, she just felt uncomfortable as if someone was cutting her heart with a knife, holding herself in her hands, and slowly squatting to the ground, crying like a child.

  She thought that fifteen years had passed, she had become very strong, she would no longer shed tears casually, she could bravely walk in front of Shan Tingye and tell him that she was different.

  But now she realized that she would never be strong in front of him.

  He said he would protect her for the rest of her life, but after only fifteen years, doesn’t it count?

  How long Xiao Meimei squatted on the ground alone, she didn't know herself, her feet were numb, and her stomach was hungry. She wanted to stand up, but she fell to the ground in a panic.

  A gust of breeze blew in from the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, and the notes on the table were flipped, making a rustling sound.

Xiao Meimei turned her head and fixedly looked at the notes on it. In her mind, a picture of Shan Tingye giving her a lesson in the living room immediately appeared. Those notes were all that he held her hand and taught her a little bit. I wrote down...

  Now they are all frozen into memories.

  Xiaomei Mizi's pupils tightened, her delicate face, the emotion of collapse slowly settled down, there was no pain and tears, only peace was left.

  The finger on his side, but stubbornly digs into the floor.

  She shouldn't be back.


"End of the meeting."

  Shan Tingye got up from his seat, dropped a word sternly, and stepped toward the outside of the meeting room.

  For nearly three hours of meeting, every minute is suffering.

  When everything is done, Shan Tingye is already waiting to kill someone!

  "Master, wait a minute." Shan Tingye just got out of the meeting room, and Yao immediately chased him up. Before he could speak, Shan Tingye gave him a cold look and warned.

   "If you dare to stop me again, don't blame me for being polite!"

  Yao stiffened slightly, and then said, "The subordinates just received the news that Miss Meimei has booked a flight ticket to leave the United States at night, and she should have already gone to the airport by this time."

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