He stopped abruptly, stretched out his hand to press his chest, and the demon's face was shining with a strange light.

  Even if he is still not sure what happened to him, he is also sensitive to the feeling that his current state is definitely not right.

  This kind of moment when he can't even control his breathing, he will only appear when he is close to Xiao Meimei. This feeling is like...someone has given him medicine!

  Shan Tingye's hands slammed into fists, his eyes became fierce and bloodthirsty.

  The dinner was prepared by the Zhong family. He didn't eat anything, only drank a glass of red wine. Shan Hanjie's training for him from a young age included trying a variety of drugs. He was sure that nothing was wrong in the dinner.

  Recalling the scent he had just smelled, Shan Tingye only pondered for a few seconds before striding over to the incense table in the room, and reached out and lifted the lid.

A trace of red powder mixed in the incense, the black pupil squinted, and a glimmer of light passed by, the tall body stepped towards the curtain and walked towards the curtain, and he stretched out his hand to pull open the curtain, and saw the person hiding behind the curtain. Zhong Qing, a trace of killing intent passed through his eyes!

  Sure enough, she did it!

"Grandpa asked me to apologize to you. I came in and saw no one in the room, so I was ready to go out, but you suddenly came out of the bathroom. I was afraid that you didn't have any clothes on, so I hid first and wanted to wait for you to get dressed. ..."

  Zhong Qing didn't expect that Shan Tingye would find her so soon, his face turned pale instantly, and his body was stuck on the wall with fear, and he was nervous to explain incoherently.

  When she broadcasted the news of sibling **** to the TV station, she had no idea that it would be such a consequence.

Shan Tingye actually ignored everyone's criticisms. Because of this incident, she was upright with Yuxin. Instead, she was tired of the Zhong family. Zhong Nianhua never bowed her head to anyone in her life, but it turned out to be because of her. , To give a banquet to the two juniors.

  No one in the Zhong family will forgive her for such a shame. If she is asked to hold a press conference in accordance with Shan Tingye’s request and clarify that the previous things were her own design, she will be completely ruined...

  This is her last chance. As long as Shan Tingye touches her, she will become a victim. Shan Tingye will be responsible for her, and he will not force her to clarify to the media.

  But she was counted, but Shan Tingye found out that something was wrong so quickly, and found her easily.

  Will he kill her in anger?

  Zhong Qing shuddered all over, and a chill came up from her back.

  As soon as he was about to run, he found that Shan Tingye had been standing still, and his footsteps stopped for an instant.

   looked up weakly, only to see that his eyes were blurred, and his charming face was covered with a layer of indescribable charm. Under the dim light, it was like an evildoer, making people palpitation and unable to look away...

  Zhong Qing's eyes were happy, the fear just now turned into excitement, looking at Shan Tingye's obviously changed face, staring at him firmly, waiting for him to approach her.

  She asked someone to buy the strongest medicine. As long as she didn’t take the medicine in advance, she would definitely not be able to hold it.

  Zhong Qing holding the thought of letting go, trembling hands, slowly untied her clothes, walked towards Shan Tingye, reached out and hugged his sturdy waist, stood on tiptoes to kiss him...


  In the Zhong's Manor.

  Entrance to the grove.

  Youyou took a few steps to catch up with Jiang Nan, who was walking forward, reaching out and blocking his way.

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