"Xiao Meimei, calm down, you have done nothing wrong!" Jiang Nan stepped forward, reached out and grabbed her shoulders, and hugged the person into his arms distressedly.

   "Trust me, no matter what happens, you are still the most beautiful little beauty in our minds."


  "Wait when your injury is healed, go to see your brother, I promise, he thinks like me." Jiang Nan said with difficulty, encouraging Xiao Meimei.

   Reasonably told him that he should take advantage of Xiao Meimei's sadness and sadness, and walk into her heart a little bit, but seeing her in such pain, he couldn't selfishly keep her by his side.

  Xiao Meimei has only Shan Tingye in her heart, and only Shan Tingye can get her out of her heart.

"can you?"

  Xiao Meimei raised her head weakly, her big crystal eyes fixedly looking at Jiang Nan, wanting to see the affirmative answer in his eyes.

   "Fool, we grew up together, when did I lie to you?" Jiang Nan rubbed her little head indulgingly and jokingly said.

  Xiao Meimei blinked her big eyes and looked at him vigilantly. The trust no longer existed, and she accused, "You lied to me many times!"


  Well, he has forgotten all the **** things he did when he was a child, but Xiao Meimei still remembers clearly, and now he lifted a rock and hit her in the foot.

   "I lied to you, that brother will never lie to you, if you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself." Jiang Nan let go of her, looked down at her evasive eyes, narrow eyes narrowed.

  He didn't force her anymore.

   Instead, she took her to the restaurant and put the prepared congee and side dishes in front of her.


  Xiao Meimei looked at the simple but exquisite food in front of her, and suddenly remembered the breakfast Shan Tingye had prepared for her after her hangover not long ago, and her heart was tight.

  The eye sockets flushed suddenly.

  If Tingye's brother knows that she is not clean, will he dislike her...

  Xiao Meimei's palms were tight, her nails pierced into the flesh, she couldn't notice the pain.

   subconsciously grabbed the clothes on his chest, feeling cold like staying in the ice cellar, instinctively got up from the chair, turned around and walked towards the room.

   "I want to go back to take a bath..."

   "Xiao Meimei." As soon as Jiang Nan handed the spoon to her, she saw her stretch out her hand to push it off, and ran into the room nervously, her eyes flashed, and she caught up with her, reaching out to stop her.

   "Yu Xin, when are you going to escape? It's not your fault. I don't allow you to punish yourself like this!"


  Xiao Meimei raised her head, tears on her pale face.

   Biting her lip stubbornly, and she didn’t know how to loosen her when she bit her lip.

  Jiang Nanzi's pupil tightened, and his voice sank, "If you stay with me, it will only make you more uncomfortable. I will call my brother now and ask him to pick you up."

  "No! I don't want to go back! I'm going to eat, I'm going to eat now." Xiao Meimei's petite body trembled, she broke away from Jiang Nan's hand, walked back to the table, picked up the spoon, and drank the porridge one bite after another.


  She drank too quickly, choked at once, and coughed violently.

  Jiang Nan quickly took out a tissue and wiped her mouth.

   patted her back lightly, "Eat slowly, no one will fight you."

   "Will you still drive me away?" Xiao Meimei red eyes, she looked at Jiang Nan nervously before she swallowed the porridge in her mouth.

  She doesn't want to leave the United States, because she is afraid that going home will let Bai Zheng and Ye Mingmei find that something is wrong.

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