Jiang Nan looked at Yaheng Audrey, who had been with Youyou, and couldn’t tell what was the reason. He knew at a glance that they would never be friends!

   "I accept Mr. Jiang's apology, and I will work hard for you for dinner." Yaheng, who has not spoken, said indifferently, looking at Jiang Nan's gaze with provocation.


   Jiang Nan was angry at once.

  A man who can't even beat Youyou, dare to choke with him?

  Believe it or not, when Youyou fell asleep for a while, he would take him out and beat him into a pig's head like a sandbag? !

  "Butler, help us carry our luggage to the guest room, and we need to connect the two together." Before Jiang Nan refused, Youyou jumped up from the sofa and ran towards the room.

  Jiang Nan hadn't swallowed it in one sigh, and she almost was **** to death when she heard her sentence that she wanted to connect two together!

  The housekeeper moved quickly, quickly arranged the room for the two people, and walked respectfully to Jiang Nan.

   "Master Jiang Nan, do you want to entrust today's kitchen to you? Can the chef on duty be on vacation?"


  Jiang Nan stared at the housekeeper fiercely, narrowing her eyes and gnashing her teeth, "I look like a cook?"

   "No, it's not like, Master Jiang Nan is personable and handsome..." The housekeeper was nervous, and without blinking his eyes, he gushed out a lot of compliments.

  A glimpse of Jiang Nan's face eased before he stopped.

   hesitated for a few seconds, then added, “Master, if you don’t do it, will Miss Youyou be angry?”


   Jiang Nan's face sank again.

   glared at the housekeeper fiercely!

  The butler hurriedly reached out and covered his mouth.

  He shouldn’t ask the following sentence...

   "Tell the chef in the kitchen, if anyone dared to leave early today, I will choke them to death!" Let him cook for that wild man and dream!

   Jiang Nan's long figure turned, strode towards the guest room, halfway through, the housekeeper's words came into his ears again.

   After a pause, he turned back and walked over to the kitchen.

   "What are you doing standing there? Prepare me ingredients!"

   Damn, why should he be afraid of that little pepper angry? !


  Night falls.

  In the villa, the lights are brilliant.

  The brilliant light of the crystal chandelier is projected on the floor where light can be seen.

  There is an indescribable silence on the long table of three people.

  Youyou looked at the steaks placed on the table, her beautiful big eyes were indescribably surprised, she looked at the steaks in front of him that were delicious, and looked at Jiang Nan’s face.

   swallowed hard, "Could you ask the chef for help?"

  She didn’t believe that Jiang Nan’s craftsmanship was so good, she could simply go to the hall and into the kitchen.

   "If you say more, don't even think about eating tonight." Jiang Nan glanced at her coldly, took the plate in front of her, cut the steak for her, and put it in front of her.

  The voice suddenly became gentle, "Taste it, it tastes good."


  Youyou have never seen him like this. With the roses on the table, the atmosphere has become a lot more romantic.

  She subconsciously ate a small steak, and the taste of the entrance made her squint her eyes.

  After eating the first piece, I can’t stop.

  While eating, she kept greeting Yaheng Audrey who was sitting next to her, urging vaguely, "You try, it's really delicious!"

"it is good."

   Yaheng Audrey also placed an identical steak in front of him. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jiang Nan. He picked up the knife and fork gracefully like a winner, cut a piece of steak, and put it in his mouth.

  In the next second, his face will change immediately!

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