365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2906: Don't you think I can perfect you! (1)

"It doesn't matter anymore, because I didn't lie to you, Xiao Meimei is really pregnant, and I am the father of the child." Jiang Nan interrupted Shan Tingye, looking at him indifferently.

   pushed his arm away, got up from the ground, and stood firmly on the pillar.

   "It's me who is in danger. You asked me to take care of Xiao Meimei, but I took advantage of your absence and took Xiao Meimei as my own. If you are not reconciled, you will give me another punch..."


Before Jiang Nan's words fell, Shan Tingye punched him in the face.

   Punch after punch, it's completely deadly.

   Jiang Nan only tolerated a few punches, and then began to fight back.

  He still can’t die, he wants to protect Xiao Meimei and the child in her stomach...

  Jiang Nan quickly began to counterattack, with smooth skills, not like a drunk person at all.

  Two brothers, the first real hands-on experience.

  No one reserved.

  The final result, there is no winner.

  Shan Tingye turned and walked outside the swimming pool. His long figure showed a terrifying shadow, and his voice was like ice, "Don't you think I can perfect you!"


  Jiang Nan lay on the ground, her handsome face swollen, her eyes narrowed as she watched the dazzling sun slowly rising.

Hearing this, he just hooked his lips.

   wanted to jump up from the ground and scold Shan Tingye for not being a gentleman, but he didn't even have the strength to lift his finger.

  After a few minutes, he remembered something suddenly, jumped up from the ground in an instant, and ran out with his leg pulled out.

   "Bring me up to 120,000 points, yes, before I go back, no one is allowed to approach the lounge..." Jiang Nan stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out of the private villa like an off-string arrow.

  When he hurried back to the boxing gym, he was still a step late.

  In the lounge, half of a person is no longer visible.

  "Master, it was Master Tingye who came to grab someone. His subordinates had been blocking the entrance, but after they had beaten them back, they returned to the lounge. Miss Meimei was gone."

  The assistant stood beside Jiang Nan, and responded with sincerity.

   Jiang Nan stood there, his hands clenched into fists, and squeezed and creaked.

  He finally understood what Shan Tingye's words meant.

   "Check, I want to know where he took Xiao Meimei!" Jiang Nan's thin lips opened slightly, eyes gleaming strangely, and when the assistant turned around, he spoke suddenly.

  "Start with the most famous obstetrics and gynecology hospital."

  If he were Shan Tingye, he would not believe that Xiao Meimei was really pregnant. He would definitely take Xiao Meimei to the hospital for an examination.


   Residential apartment.

  In a dimly lit room.

  There are no closed windows, and the wind brings up the curtains.

  The rays of light projected into the room made the person on the bed frown slightly, muttered, and turned over.

   Shan Ting's wild long figure stepped forward, tightened the curtains, sat down on the side of the bed, and took her hand.

   "Sleep for a while, the porridge will be ready." Shan Tingye's long fingers scratched the tip of her nose slightly, and Xiao Meimei sniffed itchy, but she calmed down and fell asleep again.

  Shan Tingye held her hand tightly, her thin lips pressed tightly, her eyes softened as she watched her peaceful sleeping face and unconsciously rubbing against his small body.

  No matter how many lies, she is not as dependent on her unconsciously in her sleep.

  He didn't believe anything.

   When she got up, the palm of her hand paused slightly when she passed her stomach, her black eyes looked deeply at her flat belly, and she couldn't imagine that a life had already been conceived in it.

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