365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2917: Because I am the father of the child (4)

   slapped the person sideways, and Shan Tingye carried her out of the operating room.

   Entering the VIP ward, Xiao Meimei has been nestled in his arms, trying to calm her emotions, several times when she wanted to say something, Shan Tingye covered her mouth.

   "Don't think about anything, I'm here, and get a good night's sleep." Shan Tingye put his hands across her waist and folded them on her belly, letting Xiao Meimei lean against him comfortably.

  Xiao Meimei tossed all night, her physical strength was already overdrawn, listening to Shan Tingye's words, her little head leaned on his chest, smelling the reassuring breath of his body, and soon fell asleep.

   In her sleep, she kept chattering, just like the oldest film movie, intermittently telling the fear and struggle in her heart.

  Shan Tingye was by her side, listening to her low whisper, his chest seemed to be pricked by a needle.

  All the questions that I didn’t understand, I got the best answer at this moment.

  He held Xiao Meimei's arms and tightened silently, hugged her tightly in his arms, and gently pressed her belly with his big hand, feeling their baby.

  It’s only a month, how young is it?

  Almost a little bit, he lost it...

  Shan Tingye stayed with Xiao Meimei until she couldn't hold her back and fell asleep, and she couldn't hear any chattering, then she gently put the person on the hospital bed and covered her with the quilt.

  Stepped out of the ward.

  The doctors in the consultation were already lined up, standing at the door of the ward, seeing him coming out, and immediately leaning over to greet respectfully.

   "Master Tingye."

   "Don't let people disturb her." Shan Tingye raised his eyes slightly, and walked over to the consultation room.

  As soon as he entered the consultation room, Yao put Xiao Meimei's case in front of him.

  Shan Tingye didn't look at it, but looked straight at the surgeon who almost operated on Xiao Meimei just now, his thin lips slightly opened.

  "Does her condition allow her to undergo surgery?" Shan Tingye's voice was very indifferent, and he couldn't hear the joy or anger. For a while, the doctor didn't know whether to say good or bad.

   can only answer truthfully, “It’s not suitable. Miss Meimei’s physique is very difficult to keep the child even if she chooses to have an abortion. Taking the child away is really hurting her body.”


  Shan Tingye grabbed the examination report, waved his hand to the doctor's face, and got up from the chair.

   "Since you know that her body does not allow her to remove the baby, you dare to operate on her!"

  If it weren't for Xiao Meimei's sudden hesitation today, he knew that on the first day of becoming a father, he would say goodbye to his children.

"The Ye family’s funding for your hospital is to provide you with better medical equipment so that you can save more people. It is not to let you rush into life. The patient’s physical condition is not allowed, just because she is the Ye family’s eldest lady. To undergo surgery, is this your medical ethics?"


  The doctor in the consultation room was silent, no one dared to answer the conversation.

They all participated in the discussion about Xiao Meimei’s surgery, and they all knew it was inappropriate. It’s just that Xiao Meimei is Ye Zhanxing’s most precious granddaughter. Everyone knows that if you are fond of her, you can’t go wrong, so they arranged it for her so soon. surgery.

  If Shan Tingye knows this, I'm afraid their jobs will be lost.

  All of the doctors who participated in the consultation were sweating coldly.

  "Who will tell me now about the situation of Xiao Meimei and the baby." After a long time, Shan Tingye spoke again.

   "...Miss Meimei did not receive anesthesia, and regretted it before the operation started, so the baby was not affected in any way." When the chief surgeon heard Shan Tingye's words, he quickly stood up and explained.

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