365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2925: Scary Parent Greetings (3)

   "Uncle Bai should already be on the way to country M." Shan Tingye's eyes tightened.

  If he guessed correctly, the call just now was the last call he made before getting on the plane.

   convinced that he was with Xiao Meimei, and told him specifically.

  "Does he know he is going to be a grandfather?" Xiao Meimei pouted, and her little finger tapped on the phone screen with a simple expression on her face.

   "I think he knows." Shan Tingye's black eyes were deep, and he felt a bad premonition.


  In the courtyard, Jiang Nan’s long figure stood under the dim light, constantly being elongated.

  Recalling the scene I saw just now, my heart tightened, but I didn't feel sour before.

  The baby in Xiao Meimei's belly is Shan Tingye's. He has never thought about this result, but this result is the best ending he can think of.

   Jiang Nan's mouth floated up to laugh at himself.

  He always thought he was protecting Xiao Meimei, but now he knows that without him, perhaps Xiao Meimei would not have misunderstood Shan Tingye for so long, and almost took away the child.

  As a knight, he really failed.

  Jiang Nan walked to the lawn, and his upright body fell heavily on the lawn.

  The long and narrow peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the flower bones in full bloom in the yard, in a daze, Youyou's small face swayed in front of him, he raised his hand, trying to catch her, but finally fell through.

  "Youyou Adolf, without you laughing at me, I realized that I was a little bit pitiful, lonely."

  Does he think she misses her?




  Youyou rubbed her little nose and muttered, "Who is scolding me, making me sneeze all the time."

   "What are you talking about? I am chanting a curse with a little witch." Ya Heng, dressed in a white suit and handsome and extraordinary, stepped up to her, raised his hand and held her little head.

  He smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at Youyou who was confused.

  She seems shrewd and capable, but in fact she is pure and kind and worrying.

  Quayway Adolf became ill, she stayed by the bed all day long, for fear that Quayway would not see her when she woke up.

   "It's nothing, I'll see if the medicine in the kitchen is ready. The time for grandpa to drink the medicine is almost up." Youyou pushed his arm away, turned and prepared to leave.

  Just two steps out, the little hand was held by someone.

  Yaheng stepped up to her, met her wide-open eyes, and gently squeezed her little hand, "You haven't rested for a day, and I will go with you."

   "I'm fine..." Youyou subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand.

   "I know that you are okay, I am okay, anyway, I am bored, I will accompany you." Yaheng held her hand, but his tone became more relaxed.

   "It's up to you." Youyou pouted, without taking his actions to heart, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

  With Yaheng by her side, she does not need to do anything.

  As soon as she takes a bowl, Yaheng will pour some medicine for her.

  As soon as she touched the cup, Yaheng would immediately pour her water.

   Said that she took care of her grandfather, but the person who looked more like a nanny was Yaheng.

  With him, Youyou save a lot of effort.

  Queve Adolf drank the medicine and fell asleep.

  Fifth Xianxian went to the pharmacy to dispense medicine. In the room, only Youyou and Yaheng were left.

  "When are you going back?" U-U was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, tilting his head and looking at Yaheng Audrey beside her.

  "Are you driving me away? It seems that my service makes you very dissatisfied." Yaheng's eyes dimmed, but he joked nonchalantly.

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