He used his personality to assure that he really didn’t do this because of her identity.

He has seen a lot of princesses in the royal family since he was a child. Because of the influence of the Audrey family, he never needs to fawn on anyone. He pretends very well. Many elders want to change their own because of his outstanding ability and gentleness. His daughter gave him a playmate.

  He has always been dismissive of these flatteries, but inexplicably throws his helmet off in front of Youyou.

  From the first glance, he seemed to be poisoned...

   "I said my name is Youyou Adolf, don't call me a princess." Youyou pouted unhappy, because of his name, turned around and prepared to leave.

  Yaheng was stunned for a full five seconds at the time, watching her disappearing into the corridor, suddenly recovered and chased him forward.

  Blocking Youyou on the wall of the stairs is the boldest move he has ever done.

   "Youyou, I'm sorry!"

   Yaheng breathed quickly, staring at her pretty face, and changed her mouth very quickly.

  He was surprised to see Youyou's eyes, with a hint of joy.

  She is actually a very simple and coaxing person.

   "Thank you just now, are we friends like this?" Ya Heng took a breath, loosened her gently, and started to straighten up nervously again.

"As long as you don't treat me as a princess, we are friends." Youyou pulled out a lollipop from his schoolbag and handed it to him, "Here, it's for you. My uncle Jie sent me a customized candy for children. It’s good for your health, you can’t buy it outside.”


   Yaheng looked at the lollipop in his palm, Zitong tightened.

He has never eaten candy since he is sensible, let alone a lollipop with such a naive pattern, but he is a master of disguise, and he concealed his disgust well, holding the candy tightly in his palm, facing her Said thank you.

  "Are you often bullied?" Youyou took apart a lollipop and stuffed it into her small mouth. As she walked downstairs, she tilted her head to look at him.


  He often bullies people, but you must never let Youyou know.

  Yaheng even thought at the time, if he knew that one day he would meet Youyou who was full of justice, he would definitely not do those naive things and treat every playmate kindly.

  His silence was taken as a default by Youyou.

  She reached out and patted his shoulder with special sympathy, “Don’t be sad, I will protect you in the future, I can also teach you kung fu, the kind of very powerful, if you learn, no one can bully you!”

   "Hmm." Yaheng nodded sincerely, followed her, and went out of school together.

  Since then, they have often mixed together.

  Excellent personality, free and easy, and full of sense of justice, do not like bullying others, but do not allow others to bully her.

  Even Yaheng has become the object of her protection.

   Yaheng wanted to tell her countless times that he was not as weak as she had imagined, but every time he saw Youyoufen ignoring his body in front of him, the shock in his heart made him choose to conceal it again and again.

  In order to keep this secret, every time you fight with Youyou, he will deliberately release water.

  Until now, Youyou don’t know that, in fact, his skill is better than her.

   So good that she doesn’t need her protection at all...

   "Youyou, my princess."

  Yaheng Audrey's eyes turned slightly, his dark brown pupil, in the dim light, was exceptionally deep, staring at Youyou who was sleeping for a moment.

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