365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2934: Your father-in-law is here! (3)

  Bai Zheng is dressed in a black suit. The hand-made suit properly outlines his upright figure, but standing there quietly, the noble breath on his body is silent and subdued.

  There is no need to do anything more. As soon as he appears, the surrounding air pressure will be unconsciously low, and the forceful aura makes people seem to be short in front of him.

  He turned around, with evil eyes, indifferently sweeping Shan Tingye and Xiao Meimei.

  The thin lips are slightly hooked, and the arc of a smile is not a smile.

  'S eyes fell on Xiao Meimei's face, her eyes softened.


  When Xiao Meimei saw Bai Zheng, she broke free of Shan Tingye's hand, rushed towards him, and plunged into Bai Zheng's arms.

   "Dad, I miss you so much!"


  Shan Tingye looked at the palm of his hand that fell for a moment, and twisted his brows.

  Yu Xin, even if you say yes, even if your father disagrees, you won’t listen to him, but when we met, she let go of his hand...

  The great wheel of love turned over.

  Shan Tingye's black eyes cast a faint light, and he stepped forward, "Uncle Bai."

  Bai Zheng just glanced at him, took Xiao Meimei and walked to the sofa, raised her hand and pinched Xiao Meimei’s nose, "You also know that you miss dad, how long have you not called me?"

   "It hurts!" Xiao Meimei shrieked, her eyes were red, but she didn't dare to knock off Bai Zheng's hand, she squeezed her eyes pitifully, and Bo sympathized.

   "I didn't make a call, but I was thinking of you in my heart. I thought that Dad and I had the same mind, and I would be able to sense it."

   "Just speaking, if you have this stinky boy, will you still think of me as a bad old man?" Bai Zheng said with a sour taste, but he gave Shan Tingye a fierce look in his eyes.

   "My dad is so handsome, who can compare to you?" Xiao Meimei was busy to please, she took Bai Zheng's arm and acted like a baby.

  She is still not sure if Bai knew that she was pregnant with a baby, so she can't mess around with herself at this time.

   "No one can compare to me, my baby girl was abducted by a stinky boy?" Bai Zheng's tone sank suddenly, saying to Xiao Meimei, and the look in Shan Tingye's eyes became even more sinister.

  If his eyes can kill, he has swallowed Shan Ting wildly.

   "Accident...really an accident..."

  Xiao Meimei did not expect Bai Zheng to be so direct, rubbing her nose awkwardly, and answering carefully.

   "I became a grandfather for nothing, and it was an accident, eh?" Bai Zheng raised his eyebrows, his stalwart body had already stood up from the sofa, and walked towards Shan Tingye.

   "Dad, I can explain this!" When Xiao Meimei saw Bai Zheng clenching her fists, she rushed in front of him and stood in between the two.

   "Are you dead? Let my daughter explain for you." Bai Zheng squinted at Shan Tingye, and fixedly looked at Xiao Meimei who was blocking him.

   all said that her daughter is outgoing, and after only being together for a long time, her elbow turned outward!

   "Xiao Meimei, get out of the way."

Shan Tingye took her hand, pulled her aside, looked directly at Bai Zheng, and said respectfully, "I didn't do this thing well. If Uncle Bai is angry, you can come at me. But Xiao Meimei cares about you very much, and I hope you will not be angry with her."

   "It sounds good. If I don't speak well and want to beat you up, what do you think?" Bai Zheng stepped up to Shan Tingye's face and said lukewarmly.

   "I will definitely not fight back." Shan Tingye straightened his back and opened his lips indifferently.

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