Xiao Meimei slept groggyly, in a daze, as if someone had entered her room.

  She wanted to open her eyes to take a look, but she couldn't open them anyway.

  When she woke up from sleep, it was already a few hours later, her petite body was lying on the pillow, too tired to get up.

  She stretched out her hand to press her small head and frowned.

  The head is heavy...

  Is she turning her grief and anger into sleepiness? She actually feels sleepy after sleeping for so long, so she really wants to keep sleeping like this.

what time is it?

  Xiao Meimei propped up her arm, grabbed the alarm clock on the bedside table and glanced at it.

  It was already afternoon, and she didn't even eat lunch. No wonder she didn't have any energy.

  When she thought that Shan Tingye had already left, her mood suddenly became gloomy.

   Grabbing the pillow, he covered his head and wanted to sleep again.


   "Miss Meimei, the fifth genius doctor is here, Mr. Bai will let you go downstairs." The assistant's voice respectfully sounded outside the door.

  Xiao Meimei was taken aback, then she recovered, and suddenly got out of the bed.

   "Who did you say is here?"

  Xiao Meimei opened the door and looked at the assistant outside the door excitedly.

  Is she the wrong one?

  How did the fifth uncle know that she is here.

   "Miss Hui Meimei, the fifth genius doctor came to see you. It has been several hours, but you are asleep, so I didn’t let the confession disturb you, saying it was waiting for you to wake up."

  The assistant replied respectfully.

  Looking at Xiao Meimei with sleepy eyes, he hesitated for a second, "Miss Meimei, do you want to continue sleeping?"

  Miss, this is too good for sleep. She spends more than half of the day sleeping.

   And as soon as she slept, she couldn’t move. Even if she was taken away, she didn’t respond.

   "No more sleep! I will change my clothes and go downstairs now."

   Xiao Meimei did not notice the strange look in the assistant's eyes, turned around and ran into the room, cleaned herself up briefly, and ran towards the living room.

   Seeing Junyi's figure sitting on the sofa in the living room, her eyes lit up, and she rushed forward without even thinking about it, and rushed into the arms of Fifth Chosen.

   "Uncle Fifth, I miss you so much!"

   Suddenly throwing his arms and hugs, making Fifth Xianxian startled, and immediately aroused a smile.

   "How much do you want to talk about it?"

   "I really want to think about it, I can't finish it anyway, I heard that you went to Germany, and I almost went to look for you..."

  Only halfway through Xiaomei’s words, she heard a familiar cough behind her, and when she turned her head, she caught a glimpse of Bai Zheng, who was sitting across from the Fifth Xianxian. She was so frightened that she almost fell off the sofa.

  Bai is leaning on the sofa, a handsome face, because of Xiao Meimei's words, it has been completely black.

  Evil Eyes stared straight at the Fifth Zexian and Xiao Meimei who were hugging each other.

  This picture, whoever sees it, will think that Fifth Chosen and Xiao Meimei are the father and daughter!

   "Have you enough? I don't have a daughter? Why don't you go back and hug your little princess!" Bai Zheng forced out his throat every word.

  If it weren’t for his current name as Bai Zheng and not Yu Xiuzun, he would definitely go up and jump out of the fifth choice.

   "Tsk tsk, really a lackluster old man." Fifth Chosen's monster child pupil narrowed, with a sarcasm in his tone, holding Xiao Meimei's arm without letting go.

  "Who do you say is the old man? Fifth Chosen, don't think I don't kill people now, you will have no fear!" Bai Zhenghao stood up from the sofa, and looked at Fifth Chosen with cold eyes.

   "Are you... are you going to fight?" Xiao Meimei was caught in the middle, looking at this and that, her expression tangled.

  She really wants to run...

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