365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2967: My father brought the soup to me (2)

Woke up.

  Almost the same time, everyone entered the ward.

Xiao Mei Meiping lay, still not recovering from the joy of seeing Shan Tingye, her big crystal eyes looked at the patriarchs who gathered in front of her in surprise, her mouth opened, and she wanted to talk. But my throat was dry and there was no sound.

  As soon as his body moved, he frowned in pain.

  The little face is whiter.

  "Is it hurt?" Shan Tingye put his hands beside her, and when she saw that her face was not right, he immediately pressed the call bell, "Doctor! Where is the doctor!"

  The attending physician came soon.

  After checking on Xiao Meimei, she let out a long sigh of relief.

  "The operation was very successful, and the patient is awake, just pay attention later." The attending physician took off the stethoscope, and Chunchun asked.

   "What's wrong with me? What kind of surgery?" Xiao Meimei husky, her nerves tightened when she heard the word "operation".

  She struggled to sit up, but her arm couldn't get any strength, she looked at Shan Tingye anxiously.

  Dan Tingye's black eyes flickered, his thin lips pressed tightly without speaking, and he reached out and hugged her into his arms, just holding her tightly.

  "Brother Tingye, tell me why I was in the hospital? What surgery are they talking about?" Xiao Meimei grabbed Shan Tingye's clothes with her small hands, panic all over her eyes.

   "Nothing matters, I just want you to be well." Shan Tingye's voice was low, and every word was stopped.


  "Xiao Meimei, don't think too much about anything now. Take care of your body first. You are still young and will have children again." Qin Youxuan stepped forward and patted her little head.

  Her voice is very gentle, for fear that Xiao Meimei will be shocked.

   Ye Mingmei was already crying, unable to speak at all, such news can only be told by her.

  None of them want to face such a thing, but if everyone is only concerned about sadness, Xiao Meimei will only feel more uncomfortable.


  Xiao Meimei was startled, her petite body stiffened, she raised her head in shock, and looked at Qin Youxuan.

  In my mind, some messy pictures passed by.

  A little bit of piece together into a picture.

  She went back to the room very early yesterday. Originally, she wanted to tell Shan Tingye that Bai Zheng agreed to their marriage, but when she returned to the room, she felt so sleepy.

  Before she found the phone, she fell asleep.


  Xiao Meimei reached out her hand and pressed her head, tilting her head and thinking hard.

  She slept for a long time. Someone went upstairs and called her to eat, but she couldn't get up at all, like a huge boulder on her body.

  In a daze, it seemed that someone had entered her room. She heard her father calling her. She wanted to open her eyes, but her stomach hurt suddenly. Then, there were a lot of people's footsteps around her...

  She can't remember the next thing.

  It's like having a long dream. When the dream wakes up, her baby is gone.

  Tears rolled from his eyes.

  Xiao Meimei clutched Shan Tingye's arm with both hands. She did not cry, but her shoulders couldn't help shaking.

The appearance of forbearance makes people feel distressed.

   "Cry out when you feel uncomfortable." Shan Tingye pressed her little head and pressed her into his arms, his low and hoarse voice became choked.

   "Brother Tingye, I'm sorry, but I didn't protect the baby..." Xiao Meimei leaned in his arms, crying guilty.

  She didn’t know what happened. She was fine before going to bed. Why did the baby disappear when she woke up.

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