365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2982: In-laws become enemies (2)

   "Subordinates understand that they won't let others know." The butler respectfully leaned over and led the doctor out.

  In the room, only Shan Tingye and Xiao Meimei are left.

  Xiao Meimei fell asleep. In the dim light, her pale face seemed to be transparent, and she couldn't find a trace of blood.

  She lay quietly, her quiet appearance, fragile and anxious.

  "Brother Tingye..."

  Xiao Meimei seemed to have dreamed of something, she suddenly grasped the bed sheet with her hands and exclaimed.

   "I'm here, I'm by your side." Shan Tingye hugged her tightly, leaving no gap.

  "Save the baby...Save our baby..." Xiao Meimei closed her eyes tightly, her tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, and her hands tightly gripped Shan Tingye's clothes.

  She is dreaming, but every word is very clear.

  The panic in the tone, as if something sad happened in a dream.

"It's just a dream. The baby is fine, and we are fine too. Go to sleep. Once you wake up, you will be fine. Nothing." Shan Tingye's magnetic voice sounded faintly, but his hands kept holding her. Tighten it, for fear that as soon as you loosen it, she will be gone.

   After a long time of consolation, Xiao Meimei seemed to believe his words and slowly became quiet.

  Small head tilted and fell asleep deeply.

  Shan Tingye sat on the edge of the bed, watching her peacefully sleeping face, holding her hand and reluctant to let go.

   Originally thought that he could take care of her, but in the end, he only hurt her again and again.

   Jiang Nan is right, only Xiao Meimei, a fool, will fall in love with him.

  "Master, the guest is coming from the private villa." The butler strode into the room and replied respectfully.

   "President Bai is making trouble outside the gate, saying that he wants to see Miss Meimei and pick up Miss Meimei back."

  "Does he think Xiao Meimei would want to see him now?" Shan Tingye's eyes shone sharply and gritted his teeth fiercely. "The villa's rules are that no guests are received after nine o'clock in the evening. What time is it now?"

   "It has been nine o'clock..." The butler was startled and replied.

  "Then follow the rules." Shan Tingye's black eyes were cold, and he added, "No matter who it is, you can't interrupt Xiao Meimei's rest. You can take care of other things."

   "Yes, my subordinates understand." The butler respectfully exited the room.

  Shan Tingye sat for a while, stepped up to the balcony, and looked in the direction of the villa's gate.

  I can still vaguely see the figure of Bai Zheng standing there facing the guard.

  This is a private villa, Shan Hanjie’s site, even if Bai Zheng wants to force it, he can’t get in.

  Shan Tingye knows this very well and will bring Xiao Meimei back.

  It is already his limit not to kill Bai Zheng. If Bai Zheng continues to entangle him, he does not guarantee that he will do anything extreme.

  He doesn't want Xiao Meimei to be embarrassed between love and family, provided that Bai Zheng is not irritating him.

   Shan Ting’s wild eyes flashed, and he raised his eyebrows when he saw Bai Zheng’s car as if driving away from the private villa.

  He turned around and went back to the room, dialed the inside line, "He's gone?"

  "Yes, President Bai heard that Miss Meimei had fallen asleep, and couldn't bear to wake people up, so he agreed to go back first." The butler's respectful voice came from the phone.

  What is he? You really care about Xiao Meimei's body so much that you can take off your grandson with your own hands?

   Shan Tingye’s eyes dimmed, and he was about to hang up, but he heard a panicked voice from the housekeeper.

   "Master, it's not good, Jie Shao has someone stopped Mr. Bai's car!"

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