365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 2992: The truth is revealed! (4)

  "Hey, I feel funny when I think of you two becoming in-laws." Fifth Chosen licked melon seeds, and the strange Zitong went back and forth between Shan Hanjie and Baizheng.

   "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

   "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

  Dan Hanjie and Bai Zheng said in unison.

  The words fell, and he glared at the other side fiercely, looking disgusted.

  "It's a tacit understanding. Isn't this a legend, it's not a family, don't enter a family." Fifth Chosen raised his eyebrows and continued to provoke.

   "Who is a family with him!"

   "Who is a family with him!"

  Shan Hanjie and Bai Zheng spoke one after another, their voices almost touching the ground at the same time.

  All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the living room became even stranger.

  It doesn't seem to be talking about marriage at all, it seems to be seeking revenge.


  Xiao Meimei stretched out her hand and tugged at Baizheng's hem, her voice was tense, fearing that Baizheng would keep fighting Shan Hanjie like this.

  "Fantastic! That stinky boy is not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry?" Bai Zheng turned his head and glanced at Xiao Meimei, and said in an angry tone.

  "Are you still afraid that he would not marry you?"


  She is scared!

  Xiao Meimei is slandering in the bottom of her heart, but she dare not say anything when she meets Bai's cannibalistic gaze.

   Embarrassedly grabbed the hem of her clothes and asked Ye Mingmei for help with her eyes.

  Here, the only person who can hold Bai Zheng is Ye Mingmei.

   "The age of the two children has not been able to obtain the certificate. I told Shan Hanjie that the wedding can be held first, which is considered to be settled." Qin Youxuan said calmly when the atmosphere was wrong.

  As soon as she spoke, Shan Tingye immediately looked at her gratefully.

  He is more worried than Xiao Meimei that Shan Hanjie and Bai Zheng will make a difference and fight again.

  His road to chasing his wife has had enough twists and turns, and he finally got to the point of talking about marriage. Whatever happens, he will be internally injured!

  "Since I am still young, I am eager to have a wedding. According to my opinion, it is enough to get engaged first. As for when to get married, wait a few years." Bai Zheng hurriedly took over before Ye Mingmei agreed.

  As soon as she spoke, she postponed the marriage for a few years.

  "Engagement?" Qin Youxuan was startled, turned to look at Shan Tingye, and asked his opinion.

  Of course, Shan Tingye did not agree, but here are the elders, it is not his turn to interrupt.

   could only signal to Qin Youxuan desperately.

   "Dad, why is it so troublesome to get engaged? I want to marry Tingye brother directly." Before Qin Youxuan could speak, Xiao Meimei was already uncomfortable and pulled Bai Zheng's arm hard.

   "Not many mouths! You are only eighteen years old and you are not yet the age to receive a certificate. What is it like to have a wedding so early?" Bai Zheng insisted on seeing Xiao Meimei upset, and added.

  "After you get married, you will live in a private villa. It will not be easy to see me and your mother once in the future. Don't you want to stay with us for two more years?"


  "Be engaged first, you can also continue to date. After a few years, the relationship will stabilize, and then the wedding will be beautiful." Bai Zheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Mingmei, who had not spoken.

  He believes that he is definitely not the only one who is reluctant to marry his daughter.

Sure enough, Ye Mingmei was silent when she heard that Xiao Meimei was going to live in a private villa.

  The couple reached an agreement, and the wedding became an engagement ceremony.

Rarely, Shan Hanjie had no objection from beginning to end, but only fixed the time for the engagement ceremony, and Bai Zheng took Xiao Meimei away.

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