Xiao Meimei won’t get pregnant so quickly and lose her baby again...

  The initiator of all this, how could he forget?

   hurt Xiao Meimei’s person, he will not let it go alone!

   "Brother Tingye, it's time for you to try on the dress, what are you thinking about?" Xiao Meimei tugged at the hem of his clothes, and looked up at him suspiciously.

   "It's nothing, you are waiting for me here." Shan Tingye returned to his senses, let go of his hand calmly, and stepped into the locker room.

  The matter of Zhong Qing has passed, and they are about to get engaged. In the future, they will only get better...


  After trying the dress, Shan Tingye took Xiao Meimei and left through the back door of the design room.

   avoided all the reporters and drove towards Jiang Nan’s boxing gym.

  "Is Brother Jiang Nan living here now? But this is a boxing gym, not a hotel." Xiao Meimei stared at the huge stadium in front of her, her eyes widened in surprise.

  She knew that this was Jiang Nan’s site, but she didn't know that he had already settled here now.

  "It should be just a bad mood to work out. You just need to tell him what we are going to get engaged. It doesn't matter where he lives." A faint light flashed through Shan Tingye's eyes, and he spoke lightly.

   led Xiao Meimei and strode into the stadium.

  "Master Tingye..." When the guard saw Shan Tingye, he hurried forward.

  "Don't tell me that he is not here, I have important things to see him, give him ten minutes to prepare." Shan Tingye interrupted the doorman, his thin lips opened slightly.

   "...this, the subordinates will report back." The guard glanced at Shan Tingye, hesitated for a few seconds, then turned and left.

  Shan Tingye took Xiao Meimei around in the boxing gym. After a while, Jiang Nan’s assistant appeared.

   respectfully stepped forward, "Master Tingye, Miss Meimei, Master is in the lounge, please here."

  The assistant finished speaking, and quickly walked to the front to lead the way.

  Both Shan Tingye and Xiao Meimei have been here. They are familiar with the road and don’t need an assistant to lead the way, so they went straight to the lounge.

  Xiao Meimei has a deep memory of this place.

  When she was lost innocent by Zhong Qing's design, the most helpless month was spent here.

  Without Jiang Nan, she would not dare to imagine what she would become now.

   "It's all over." Shan Tingye held her hand heavily, as if he knew what she was thinking.

   "I'm just worried about Brother Jiang Nan. He seems a little weird lately, as if he deliberately locked herself up and punished herself." Xiao Meimei bit her lip and frowned.

   "I don't understand what happened to him. No one can help him. Go in." Shan Tingye took Xiao Meimei and strode into the lounge.

  In the huge room, the curtains were not opened, and the lights were not turned on, so it was dim so that people could not see things clearly.


  As soon as Shan Tingye and Xiao Meimei walked into the lounge, the lights turned on.

   Jiang Nan is missing.

   "Where is the person?" When Xiao Meimei was about to look for it, Jiang Nan had already come out of the bathroom wet.

  His hair and face were wet, and he was only wearing a dark gray bathrobe.

  The whole person's face looks ugly, with a trace of decadence.

  The long and narrow peach eyes are bloodshot, and I don’t know how long I haven’t slept.

  Just after taking a shower, I can smell the alcohol on his body, not to mention the empty wine bottles in the room too late to clean up.

  This is how he lives now?

  Xiao Meimei opened her mouth and was speechless.

   "You came too suddenly, I won't take a bath, I'm afraid it will get you."

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