Shan Hanjie also didn't mean to explain it out loud.

  Watching her walk up to him, stretched out her hand to clasp her wrist, and pulled her to her side.

   "Dan Hanjie, what are you doing? You are pulling me like this, how can I prepare it for you, and you need to take medicine, there seems to be no boiling water in the pot..."

  Qin Youxuan said in a flat tone, staring straight at the wrist he grabbed.

  He didn't want to talk to her when he first woke up, why is he holding her hand again now?

   "Everyone is dead?" Shan Hanjie coldly snorted.

  Yao, who had just walked to the ward, immediately greeted him, reached out and took what was in Qin Youxuan's hand, and said respectfully, "Miss Qin, it will be fine if these little things are left behind."

   Carrying the lunch box, and the kettle on the table, turned around and left.

  "Go through the discharge procedures."

As soon as   Yao walked to the door, Shan Hanjie’s voice sounded indifferently, with a final word, and there was no room for negotiation.

   "Yes, Jie Shao." Yao stepped and nodded respectfully before leaving.

   "Shan Hanjie, you bleed a lot, and the doctor said you will stay in the hospital for a few days for observation." Qin Youxuan frowned and looked at him intently.

  Her little hand was grasped by him, grasping firmly, as if she would run away as soon as she let go.

  "Do you think I look like something is going on?" Shan Hanjie's palm was heavy, and she squeezed her eyebrows painfully. "Doctors like to exaggerate to conceal their incompetence."


  Such a poisonous patient, why the doctor didn't prescribe medicine to make him dumb.

   After a nap, his face was obviously much better.

  Except for the thick gauze bandaged on his hands, he couldn't even see that he was overly fatigued and fainted yesterday.

  The ability to recover is amazing.

   "My body is very good, now I can handle you without any problems." Shan Hanjie pulled hard, and directly pulled Qin Youxuan into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

  After the entanglement, the tip of her tongue gently traced the shape of her lips.

  Her cherry lips are very beautiful, very sweet, and soft and unstoppable.

  Qin Youxuan heard his colorful words, rarely blushing, turned sideways, carefully avoiding his injured hand, and pursed her mouth, "But the doctor said that you should stay in the hospital for observation."


   "Shan Hanjie, the doctor said that you should stay in the hospital for observation."


  Dan Hanjie's face changed, staring down at her pretty face.

  Her look is very calm, so calm that people can't see anything.

   just keep repeating the same sentence.

  If he doesn't nod, she will recite the rhythm of death.

   "Really, I won't lie to you, otherwise you ask Yao, the doctor really wants you to stay in the hospital for observation for two days, at least two days..." Qin Youxuan was choked by his cannibal gaze.

  Pinched her little mouth, lowered her eyes, "The doctor said..."

   "If you dare to say it again, I will choke the doctor to death, chop it up and feed the dog!" Shan Hanjie roared.

  Why didn't he know that she was so good at reading it, and his temples were all bursting when she read it.


   So cruel.

  Qin Youxuan shrank her neck, then looked up at him stubbornly, "Then you have to leave the hospital?"

  "..." still asked.

  Shan Hanjie met her bright cat eyes, speechless for a while.

   "Shan Hanjie, the doctor really said, you want to..."

   "No, come out!"

  Dan Hanjie gritted his teeth, "Satisfied?!"

  He can guarantee that if the doctor who tells her he cannot be discharged now appears in front of him, he will definitely be tempted to kill!

"It’s fine if you don’t leave. I’ll tell Yao that he doesn’t need to go through the discharge procedures. Bring your meal back early. After you have eaten, it’s time to take medicine." Qin Youxuan's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. .

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