The morning is bright and beautiful.

  A little bit of sunlight shines through the window, jumping on the curtains.


  Qin Youxuan stretched her waist habitually, frowned in pain, and looked at the culprit next to her.

"Woke up?"

  Shan Hanjie's hoarse voice was filled with satisfaction, and he stroked Qin Youxuan's wrinkled small face with his big hands, curling her lips wickedly, "Look at me like this, I haven't fed you up yet, eh?"

  The last word, with a strong color.


  Qin Youxuan tilted her head as if she hadn’t seen it.

  Just about to get up, he fell back on the bed after a while, stretched out his hand and pressed his temple, his brain was about to explode.


"When I was holding a wine bottle and drinking yesterday, I should have thought of the consequences." Shan Hanjie turned over and sat up, folded his shoulders lazily with his hands, and gave her a cold look. He didn't mean to extend a helping hand at all, just watch. Holding her head and rolling on the bed.

   hit the bedside table and couldn't help taking a breath.

  Qin Youxuan stared at him bitterly.

   "I asked the butler to prepare a hangover hangover soup. It seems that you don't want to drink it anymore." Shan Hanjie got out of bed and raised his eyes to look at her.


  Qin Youxuan instantly climbed off the bed, raised a smile, and rubbed against him, "I knew you were the best to me."

  Laugh, laugh hard, be more flattering and flattering.

  Just don’t anger the monster.

   "Count you acquaintance." Shan Hanjie fished her into his arms, staring down at her beloved look, facing her sleepy face, grabbed her big hand on her cheek.

   "It hurts!" Qin Youxuan avoided his hand, and before Shan Hanjie went crazy, she immediately turned and went into the bathroom.

  Close the door.

   "I will brush my teeth and wash my face first. If you are hungry, don't wait for me."

  Qin Youxuan walked to the grooming table, finished brushing her teeth, splashed a hand on her face, and let out a sigh of relief.

   Lifted his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

  The red marks on his cheeks that he pinched just now did not fade for a while.

  White face, with a natural blush, puffed.

  The lips are red and the teeth are white, and when I look forward to it, it’s all the tenderness of a young woman in love...

  She really sank.

  Don’t even know when.

   Without letting herself think about it, Qin Youxuan wiped her face and walked out.

  Walking to the room, he was slightly startled when he saw Shan Hanjie who was still standing in front of the sofa.

  His stalwart body reveals coldness and loneliness, standing alone, like the whole world has become his background, no one can approach.

  Qin Youxuan's heart was twitched.

  "Are you waiting for me?" Qin Youxuan stepped forward, trying to grab his arm with her little hand.


  Shan Hanjie heard the footsteps behind him, his hostility disappeared instantly, and when Qin Youxuan approached him, he had already turned around.

  There was no expression on the demon's face, but her eyes fell to the small box on the table.


  Qin Youxuan's body froze before he had time to ask.

  The little hands holding his sleeves tightened.

  Biting lip nervously.

   is the contraceptive...

  "If you want to eat, just eat in front of me. Without my permission, this kind of thing will not appear in Yujing Villa in the future." Shan Hanjie opened his lips indifferently.

  Only Qin Youxuan knew, he was angry.


  Qin Youxuan stood a little bewildered, glanced at the medicine on the table, and the steaming water cup beside it.

   His eyes flickered, and he reached out and picked up the pill box.

   Suddenly a cold spine, she subconsciously looked sideways at Shan Hanjie.

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