"You never begged me. I didn't expect that the first time you begged me, you made such a cruel request." Jin Chenye's voice was almost ruthless.

   reached out and waved over the dinner plate on the table.

  The dishes in the dinner plate were scattered all over the floor, and the food inside was all poured out.

  This is what he carefully prepared for her when he got up early in the morning, just like his painstaking efforts were all wasted.


  Qin Youxuan stood by the table, hot porridge splashed on her calf, she just frowned, not even groaning.

   just lowered his eyes, never daring to look at him.

  Instead, it was Jin Chenye who caught a glimpse of a small piece of hot red on her calf, grabbed a handful of her short hair regretfully, and walked out angrily.

   "I won't agree, never will!"


  Qin Youxuan was stunned for a few seconds before turning around and looking at his disappearing back.

  Walk in such a hurry, staggered, and even tripped over several times, without stopping.

  This is the most embarrassing time in her impression...

  Jin Chenye, sorry...

  Qin Youxuan walked to the bed, reached out and picked up the phone from the bedside table, and turned it on.

   glanced at the missed calls above, no one from Shan Hanjie.

  The heart suddenly became empty.

  She thought he was so domineering, even if he didn't turn the window at night, he would always call and harass her, so she shut down and wanted to be quiet.

  Unexpectedly, he didn't even have a phone call, but she seemed like a villain.

  The phone is full of Ning Yanan's calls. It is estimated that the news from the outside world frightened her.

  Qin Youxuan held her mobile phone and struggled for a long time, but did not make a call. In the end, she simply returned a text message to tell Ning Yanan that she was okay.

  Sit down on the side of the bed, and Qin Youxuan began to be in a daze again.

  In the past two days, being in a daze seemed to be the only thing she could do.

  Before staying at home, she had never been so peaceful before. Now that everything came to light, she was inexplicably relieved.

  Sitting quietly for a while, Qin Youxuan stood up and went to clean the dishes on the ground.

  Bring the things to the kitchen, and as soon as he turned around, he ran into Jin Chenye who was pushing Jin Lan out of the yard to relax.

  The atmosphere suddenly became solemn...

  The two were separated by a short distance, but neither of them spoke first.

  Qin Youxuan handed the tray to the housekeeper. With both hands empty, she didn't know where to put it, so she grabbed the skirt.

  "She, she, why are you..."

  Jin Lan's reaction was the most intense, babbling and wanting to talk, but a period of vegetative life made her recover very slowly, and her words intermittently made her eyes red.

   Frightened and shrank into Jin Chenye’s arms, like a frightened child.

   "Mom, it's okay."

  Jin Chenye bent down and patted Jin Lan's shoulder gently to soothe her emotions.

   "I won't bother you anymore."

  For the first time, Qin Youxuan saw that Jin Lan didn't ridicule and sarcasm, but left a polite sentence, turned and left.

  She didn't forget that Jin Lan wanted to kill her, but as long as she thought that she had occupied the position that belonged to Jin Chenye for so many years, she couldn't hate anything.


  A long sigh of relief, Qin Youxuan began to pack her luggage.

  Let go of so many years of obsession, suddenly feel so relaxed.

  The sky is big, and she should think about her next life.

  【The place where you have me is your home】

  [Qin Youxuan, remember, don’t forget the way home]

  Dan Hanjie's overbearing voice seemed to be still in his ears, Qin Youxuan raised the corner of his mouth unconsciously, and simply sat down on the ground, slowly sorting the contents of his suitcase.

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