"Mrs. Lan, Ms. Meng." When the two people walked into the restaurant, the butler was taken aback and asked respectfully.

   "I accompany my aunt to eat breakfast. I don't know if I suddenly come over, will the butler have time to prepare my share?" Meng Ziqi smiled sweetly, and said very flatteringly.

  In Qin's house, it's rare to see her so polite.

   instead of arguing about the next person.

  Not only Qin Youxuan was stunned, but the housekeeper who heard her so politely spoke for the first time was even more silent.

   "Dang, of course, Miss Meng, please."

   "Then my breakfast is the same as my aunt, thank you." The smile on Meng Ziqi's face increased.

   "You're welcome."

  The butler looked dull and turned around and went into the kitchen.

  Qin Youxuan can guarantee that the butler must be wondering if there is a problem with his ears.

  "Xiaoxuan, I didn’t expect to see you here. The newspapers say that you are not the biological daughter of the Qin family. I thought you had left the Qin family..."

  Meng Ziqi pushed Jin Lan to the table, and saw Qin Youxuan sitting still, shouting in surprise.

  After her words fell, Qin Youxuan clearly noticed Jin Lan's puzzled expression, and suddenly understood the purpose of Meng Ziqi's visit to Qin's house today.

  Meng Ziqi is afraid that Jin Lan still doesn’t know that she, the Qin family eldest, is a fake. She has replaced the status and status of the Qin family elder.

  No wonder Meng Ziqi, who has never been polite to Qin's helpers, suddenly changed her normal today.

  This woman really does everything for Jin Chenye.

   "I'm leaving or staying, I shouldn't have a turn to talk to an outsider, right?" Qin Youxuan was fed up with her false claims, and directly broke the topic.

"I'm an outsider, but you are not your own family. After all, you have no blood relationship with Uncle Qin. Now no one knows that Miss Qin is the illegitimate daughter of an unknown father. The Qin family is truly honorable. The eldest young master has been stigmatized for more than 20 years because of you, so why are you justified?"

"Just because I can still sit here and call the Uncle Qin in your mouth to dad, unlike someone who knows that others don't like it, and sticks it cheeky. Compared with this shameless skill, I sigh. "Qin Youxuan sneered.

  Looking at Meng Ziqi's green and red face, she folded her shoulders and watched the show.

  Dare to quarrel with her, really overwhelming.

  At any rate, she is also a law-study, aspiring young man who once aspires to devote herself to the legal profession.

  It is more than enough to scold Meng Ziqi to death.

   "Wh, what...what happened..."

  Jin Lan suddenly stretched out her hand, clutching Meng Ziqi's hand tightly, excitedly wanting to know the ins and outs.

  Why did no one tell her about such a big thing?

   "Ye, Yeer..."

  Jin Lan stretched out her hand and turned the wheelchair laboriously, trying to find Jin Chenye.

  She wants to know what is going on!

   "Auntie, slow down, be careful!"

  Jin Lan’s reaction was fiercer than everyone expected, and the wheelchair stumbled and moved out of the restaurant.


  Qin Youxuan frowned and sat on the chair without moving.

  Her current status is not suitable for participating in the Qin family's housework.

  What's more, Jin Lan hates her so much. If she goes up to stop her at this time, she might be more excited.


  "Don't get excited, say something slowly, and the doctor has ordered you to rest."

  Jin Chenye Junyi's figure appeared at the entrance of the restaurant in time, supporting Jin Lan's wheelchair.

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