365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 844: Father and daughter become enemies

  Refracted by the sun, the hairpin on her head is particularly dazzling.

  "Go and check, how did the hairpin on her head come from." Shan Rong curled up his eyes, dropped a sentence suddenly, and got into the car.

  A group of people quickly left the cafe.

  "Miss grandma, people are gone, are we going back now?" the bodyguard asked respectfully.

   "You go down first and leave me alone."

  Qin Youxuan propped her forehead with her hands, lowered her eyes slightly, staring at the photo in front of her.

  The bodyguard left soon, and she was the only one sitting in the lounge.

   Looking down at the Jiang Yu in the photo for a long time, young face, beautiful quiet, soft.

   is the same as Qin Youxuan’s gentle mother in memory.

   "Mom, it would be nice if he died, otherwise I must find that person and let him come to your grave to confess."

  Qin Youxuan did not know how long she had been sitting before she checked out and left the cafe.

   did not go directly back to the parking lot, but walked out along the street.

  The diamond hairpin on the head is very eye-catching in the sun.

  Many pedestrians can't help but stop and take a few more glances.

  A RV on the street slowed down abruptly, and the window slowly lowered, revealing a woman's well-maintained face.

  At the age of forty or so, it looks dignified and noble.

   is not considered outstanding facial features, but it has a touch of easygoing.

   Noting the hairpin on Qin Youxuan’s head, Su Yiru quickly turned to tell the driver, “Get the car up and let me see the hairpin on the girl’s head.”

   "Yes, ma'am."

  The driver heard her and speeded up quickly, trying to follow.

  Qin Youxuan just walked to the end of the street and was asked by the bodyguard to get into the car.

  In a blink of an eye, the car drove out.

   "Quickly, catch up and see if you can stop the person." Su Yiru tightly grasped the car mat nervously, a strange expression passing by.

  "Madam, the red light, I'm afraid I can't catch up, do I need to adjust the monitoring of this section of the road to check it out?" The driver looked back and asked respectfully.

  Su Yiru was startled slightly, let go of her hand, her complexion returned to calm, and she waved her hand gently, "No need, go back first."

  The RV quickly turned around and left.

  As soon as I arrived at the Ye Family Mansion, before I drove the car into the yard, I saw Ye Mingmei rushing out of the house excitedly.

   plunged into Su Yiru’s arms and acted like a child, "Mom, you finally came back!"

"How old are you, just like an unweaned child, let my mother take a good look. I haven't seen you in a few months. Has my daughter become beautiful?" Su Yiru handed the handbag to the servant, smiled and took Ye Mingmei's hand. She turned twice.

   "Why have you lost so much weight? The dark circles under your eyes are so obvious." Su Yiru frowned when she looked at Ye Mingmei who was listless.

   "Where is your father?"

  Su Yiru glanced at the huge living room, but did not see Ye Zhanxing's figure, then turned around and asked.

  "Don't mention my dad to me, it's because he upsets me that I can't sleep." Ye Mingmei saw that there was no one around, so she threw herself on the sofa, hugged her pillow, and put her chin on.

   "Mom, do you think Dad will have an illegitimate daughter outside?" Ye Mingmei asked angrily.

  "Why do you say that? I haven't been in the United States for a while, how come your father and daughter have become enemies." Su Yiru pulled Ye Mingmei from the sofa.

  "Sit down for me, a good girl. I don’t take a seat. After a while, your dad should see you again.

   "He only cares about Qin Youxuan now, so he doesn't care about me." Ye Mingmei sat up unwillingly, pulling Su Yiru and vomiting bitterness.

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