365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 877: Family members who are more calm than the doctor

  Fifth chooses leisure and throws out a chilly sentence.

   opened his eyes and glanced at the two people who had begun to show affection in front of him.

  Darkness passed by the strange child pupil.

   There seemed to be another Qianli figure before her eyes, chasing after him and yelling.

  The woman just left, and there was no news when she returned to Germany.

  Fifth Xianxian grasped the report's fingers and tightened slightly, his fetal photo was crumpled by a corner.

  "This is the first photo of my son. If you are angry, don't vent your anger with my son. I didn't provoke you today." Qin Youxuan quickly reached out and took it in a hurry, flattening it carefully.

  Fifth Chosen’s eyes flickered, covering up his absence.

   "There are also several routine checks. In addition, I need to speculate on your physical condition in the later period. If the condition is good, the child can keep it. If it deteriorates too quickly, it can only induce labor. You'd better be psychologically prepared."


  The atmosphere in the examination room became serious in an instant.

  Qin Youxuan took the photo of the baby, her face turned pale.

  Induction of labor...

  She finally saw the appearance of her child, and now let her give up, she can't do it.

  Dan Hanjie clasped her shoulders with one hand and hugged people into her arms.

  "Doctors like to exaggerate and prepare family members for the worst. Don’t be too nervous. Just treat my words as black humor, and I can’t even keep a child. I should be your quack doctor."

  Fifth Chosen got up from the chair, turned around and walked out first.

  Qin Youxuan is not as relaxed as he is, clutching Shan Hanjie's sleeves nervously, "What did he mean by that sentence? Will there be anything wrong with the baby?"

   "No." Shan Hanjie glanced at the back of Fifth Chosen leaving, and opened his lips confidently.

  Hearing this, just walked to the fifth step of the corridor.

   looked back at him.

  He is a doctor who is not 100% sure, but Shan Hanjie can trust him.

  Fifth Chosen doesn’t know whether he should cry or laugh.


   Ye Family Mansion.

  The door of Ye Zhan Xing's study room was slightly open, and the wind moved the curtains, up and down, even the door panel trembling slightly.

  A tall figure stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking into the distance.

   "Mr. Ye."

  The doctor knocked on the door panel and greeted respectfully.

   Ye Zhanxing turned around, his eyes tightened immediately when he saw the person coming, "Come in."

  The doctor stepped in and carefully closed the door before walking to the desk. He took out a DNA test report from his medicine box and put it on the table.

  "The results of the test have come out..."

   Before the doctor finished speaking, Ye Zhanxing excitedly picked up the test report on the table and turned directly to the last page.

  Seeing the above identification result, the whole person slumped in a chair.

   "Mr. Ye, the DNA test results confirm that you and Ms. Qin are not related in any way. The coldness should be just a coincidence." The doctor saw Ye Zhanxing's disappointed face and said bitterly.

   "How could it not be..."

   Ye Zhanxing grasped the report's hand tightly, and suddenly raised his head, "Could it be that there was a problem with the test result?"

   "Mr Hui Ye, I will do everything from the blood collection to the test. There must be nothing wrong with this report." The doctor's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he couldn't help but reach out and wipe it.


   Ye Zhanxing fell into silence, staring at the report for a long time before waving his hand to let the doctor leave.

   Overlapping ten fingers, supporting on his forehead, looking at the test report in front of him unwillingly.

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