365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 879: Can't even compare to the dead


   Ye Zhan closed the door heavily, shutting everyone out.

   "Extension of punishment..."

   Su Yiru was pushed by a 趔趄, almost fell to the ground, stood at the door, turned around nervously, and stepped forward to pat the door panel.

   called several times, but no one in the study responded.

  Su Yiru glanced at the servant standing next to him, constricting the panic in his eyes, "You all go down and work, and you are not allowed to mention a word to the eldest lady about today's matter, otherwise I can't let Yejia tolerate him, do you understand?"

   "Yes, ma'am."

  The servants turned around and went down.

  Su Yiru frowned, looking at the closed door, her eyes could not hide her loneliness.

  After so many years, is it still the same?

  Once Jiang Yu is involved, Ye Zhanxing will become inaccessible to anyone.

  She has worked hard for so many years, but she can’t even match a dead man’s finger...


  Private villa.

  As soon as Qin Youxuan got home, she was gone, and collapsed on the sofa weakly.

   "Shan Hanjie, I'm so thirsty."

  Qin Youxuan blinked her cat's eyes and yelled at the man behind him.

  Shan Hanjie raised his eyebrows and glanced at the figure of her cat on the sofa, the corners of his mouth raised, and he went to pour her a glass of water in person.

  "The water temperature is a bit hot, and it can't be adjusted to the most suitable temperature. You might as well as a housekeeper." Qin Youxuan sat on the sofa, drinking from a glass, disgusted.

  When she saw Shan Hanjie, she looked at her, and she immediately got a big belly.

   "Fifth Chosen said, I have to keep my mood happy during this time, otherwise both big and small are in danger."

   "Well, the empress dowager, what else do you have to say?" Shan Hanjie stepped forward, sat on the sofa, and took her shoulder with one hand.

  Qin Youxuan immediately took the initiative to put a pillow on his chest, smiling and bending her eyebrows, "I didn't expect it for the time being, I will tell you if I think about it."


   Shan Hanjie's mouth twitched, did not speak, and touched her belly with his big hand.

  Behind the thin cloth, imagine the little guy's present posture, with a smile in his eyes.

   "Jie Shao, Mr. Ye is visiting." The housekeeper walked quickly to Shan Hanjie's side and leaned over and said.

  "President Ye? Which President Ye?" Qin Youxuan almost fell asleep on Shan Hanjie's chest. He woke up again when he heard the two characters for Mr. Ye.

   blinked at the ignorant cat's eyes and muttered.

   "Except for Ye Zhanxing, no one dared to call himself President Ye." Shan Hanjie pressed her little head and replied casually, "Please come in."


  The butler turned around and went out. Soon, Ye Zhanxing strode into the living room.

  Looking at Qin Youxuan who happened to be sitting in the living room, her eyes flashed slightly before she stepped forward.

   "Girl, has your body been better these past two days?"

  The assistant who followed Ye Zhanxing put a few boxes on the coffee table in the living room.

   "Jie Shao, these are the medicinal materials that our president has spent a lot of thought to collect. They are all targeted at body-cold disease. They are priceless and precious. Now they are given to Miss Qin to support her body."

  The assistant retreated to Ye Zhanxing's side and said respectfully.

Hearing this, Shan Hanjie raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Youxuan.

  Qin Youxuan was slightly surprised and looked straight at Ye Zhanxing.

   After a few seconds, he came back to his senses, "Thank you, President Ye, for your love, but I can’t accept such an expensive gift."

   "If you don't accept it, it will really be a waste of my good intentions to collect these medicinal materials." Ye Zhanxing waved his hand, not intending to get entangled in this topic, and glanced at Shan Hanjie.

  Shan Hanjie's enchanting Zitong squinted, her thin lips slightly opened, "Steward, take things down and put them away."

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