"There is no banquet in the world, what is so sad." Shan Hanjie embraced her, opening his lips indifferently.

  The arms holding her were tightening silently.

  As long as their mother and son stay by his side, he can afford anything.

What's more, Shan Hanjie didn't think Jiang Jinchen and the others could leave smoothly.

  Who is Ning Yanan from? There will be results soon.


  Qin Youxuan rubbed her small face on his chest, ignoring the change of the man's expression.

  The cold bird under the eyes is slowly condensing...


  The night time goes by quickly.

  The belly of the eastern fish is white, and the golden light gradually spreads over the earth, signaling the arrival of a new day.

  The quiet dock, a little commotion, caused seagulls to fly high.

  A black car drove in slowly. As soon as the person connecting saw the license plate number, he immediately greeted him.

   Seeing Jiang Jinchen in the car window, he leaned respectfully and said, "The three young masters are all ready. The full-fueled speedboat will directly take you away from the border of the United States. When you arrive at the border of Mexico, people over there will come to pick you up."

   "Is there anything unusual around you?" Jiang Jinchen did not rush to get out of the car, but glanced around vigilantly.

  In order to cover up, he didn't even bring an extra person around him.

   "I have seen it, no, our people are watching at the import and export. Don't even think of sneaking in under your eyelids."

"That's good."

  Jiang Jinchen signaled the connector to get out of the way, then drove the car close to the speedboat parked at the pier, and then turned off the fire.

   Turned her head to look at Ning Yanan in the passenger seat, “Sit down first, and I’ll get the luggage onto the speedboat.”

   "Okay." Ning Yanan clutched the seat belt with both hands, her expression pale.

  Jiang Jinchen thought she was nervous, so he pushed the door and got out of the car without saying much.

  Quickly walked to the trunk of the car and took out both suitcases.

  As soon as he put the suitcase on the speedboat, there was an exclamation sound in his ear.

   "The Third Young Master, it's not good, there are a large number of people coming here!" The person who just connected took the phone and ran towards Jiang Jinchen quickly.

  Jiang Jinchen stood on the speedboat, turned his head and glanced at the vehicles in the direction of the dock entrance, his eyes shook.

   "Yaya, hurry up, get off!"

  Jiang Jinchen snarled at Ning Yanan who was still in the car, and the long figure flashed into the cockpit of the speedboat.

  Started the speedboat at the fastest speed, raised the fuel gauge to the highest level, and turned her head to look, only to find that Ning Yanan was still in the car and her eyes were red.

   "Yaya, come up soon!"


  Ning Yanan heard the sound, turned her head, fixedly looking at him, only a strangeness remained in her eyes.

  Jiang Jinchen seemed to have a premonition, and his hands on the steering wheel tightened.

  The two people are separated by a short distance, but for a moment, they seem to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

  It was just a breathing room, and the Jiang family's car passed the checkpoint and rushed into the dock.

  Ning Yanan saw the approaching vehicle and finally moved.

   She lowered her head, unfastened her seat belt, and pushed the door to get out of the car.

  Just standing on the ground, she saw a car had blocked her way.

  The next second, a black pistol was aimed at Ning Yanan's head.

   "Stop it!"

  Jiang Jinchen regained consciousness abruptly, and quickly jumped off the speedboat, eager to rush to Ning Yanan.

  I caught a glimpse of the person getting off the car from the corner of my eye, and his body shook suddenly.

   widened her eyes in disbelief, "Dad..."

  Jiang Hao Yan is dressed in casual clothes, a bit less stern as a soldier, but a touch of the majesty of his father’s generation.

  Looking at his son who hadn't seen him for a few months, he slowly took off his sunglasses, handed them to the adjutant next to him, and stepped forward.

  Slapped Jiang Jinchen's face with a slap.

   Strong, blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

   "The evil man!"

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