The fifth choice was gossip, and without waiting for Rui Hua's reaction, he walked straight to the sidelines, led a horse, and walked to the entrance of the horse track.

   "Compared, I don't believe it. I can't beat you in medicine, and I will lose in riding!" Without a word, Rui Wei led his horse and walked to the path.

  She has been practicing horseback riding since she was a child. The time on horseback is all her memories of her childhood, and she does not believe that she will lose to the fifth choice.

  The two people met each other without a word of old-fashioned remarks, and they didn't match each other, and they immediately competed.

  Ruihua’s riding skills are well-known in the Adolf family.

  Most of them are crushing victories against their peers in the family.

  As soon as I heard that Fifth Chosen was going to compete with her, it immediately attracted many spectators.

  Kuiren Adolf knew that the two were going to compete, and quickly isolated the track, and personally sat on the high platform of the racecourse as a referee.

  "All the cards in the racecourse are one lap. After one lap, the one with the least time wins. If there is no objection, it is ready to start." Kui Ren's words fell, and cheers were heard everywhere.

  From the countdown, Rui Wei took the lead in grasping the reins, and the whip was in the air.

  The gun was fired and the line was pressed.

  Starting to take advantage.


  Compared with the cautiousness of Fifth Chosen, Rui Hua only has the courage to rush forward.

  It is strange that she tried her best and only got a little bit ahead.

  When passing the balance beam, the speed was too fast, and the horse's hoof slipped, almost causing her to fall off the horse's back.

  At the critical moment, she clamped the horse belly to avoid the crisis.

   But as soon as he looked up, he found that the fifth choice, who was originally behind, actually surpassed her.

  After the balance beam, there are more conventional hurdles and drilling circles. The fifth selection of leisurely and skilled Royal Horse technology can easily overcome obstacles and maintain a small advantage.

  He is wearing a white riding attire, his face is delicate, showing alienation and indifference, but he is extremely handsome and charming.

  The people around could not help screaming constantly.

  Many girls waved towards the fifth choice, with eyes full of peachy hearts.

   Rui Wei glanced at the sidelines, holding a breath of breath in his heart, unspeakable brain fever.

  Waving the whip, let the horse chase forward.

  A layer of rivet board is laid on the horse track that is about to end, and only a part of the space is left at every other step.

  The sharp rivets can pierce even a horse's hoof. If the horse is not stepped on the empty space, the horse will be frightened and the person will be overturned.

  It’s okay to fall to the side, if you happen to fall on the rivet, you will be seriously injured if you die.

  Riveted board is Ruihua’s worst project.

  Originally, at this point, she was able to slap her opponents a lot, slowing down and getting a steady pass, it was all right.

  So many times down, it is also a surprise.

   But today, I was pressed into anxiousness by the fifth choice, and if she didn't fight again in the final link, she would lose.

   Rui Hua looked at the dense rivet boards in front of him, gritted his teeth, and rushed up with his whip.

  The first few vacancies were all steadily stepped on, and they passed most of the board in one shot.

  Ruiwei was overjoyed, and was about to continue rushing forward. Suddenly the horse's feet were unstable, and he stepped a few inches off and stepped on one of the rivets.

  Ma Yang roared and raised his front hoof high.

  The next second, I started to rush in a panic.

"Be careful!"

  Fifth Chosen quickly passed all the relevant cards, but did not rush to the finish line, but turned the horse's head and chased it towards Rui Hua.

  He noticed from the beginning that the rivet board was her weakness. As long as he took the lead in the previous link, Rui Hua would undoubtedly lose.

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