365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 930: When did her paws be so powerful

   "You are the last person you've ever touched." Fifth Chosen was very calm, his expression didn't fluctuate, and he added indifferently.

  Looking at Rui Hua’s eyes, he only revealed one piece of information: compensation.

   "What if I'm the last person I've ever touched, then I don't want to go back to your laboratory... the person I've touched last..." Rui Hua was stunned.

  The next second, the boss stared.

   "Fifth Chosen, don't tell me, you want to frustrate me? I've touched that crappy thing once. What does it matter to me if it breaks!"

   "The broken thing in your mouth, I spent 50 million to ask someone to customize it."

"Fifty million……"

  Ruihua swallowed his saliva, raised a hand, and stared at his five fingers in a daze.

  She only touched her, and she missed her fifty million?

  When did her paws get so powerful?

  "50 million is 50 million, I will pay you, stop!"

   Rui Wei patted the door of the car, but the driver ignored her protest at all.

   "I said I lost it. You should let him stop."

  50 million, she is not too late to get it out.

   "The material of that instrument is priceless, and there is only one from me at the moment, and you can't afford it." The fifth option added a leisurely sentence.


  Rui Hua was stunned and couldn’t afford to pay. What would he want to do?

  Fifth Chosen saw her doubts, and raised her eyes with satisfaction, “Since you broke it, you are responsible for repairing it. When will it be repaired, and when can you leave me.”

   "Let me fix it?"

   Ruihua widened her eyes in surprise, and pointed her finger at her nose.

  She is not learning maintenance, repair some equipment.

  The fifth Xianxian glanced at her, and closed her eyes lazily, ignoring Rui Wei, who was already completely messed up.

  The corners of the mouth slightly raised, but they couldn't hide the good mood at the moment.


  On the bustling streets.

  A black luxury car slowed down and kept spinning around the area.

  Ye Zhanxing leaned on the car mat and closed his eyes tiredly as he watched the endlessly circulating scenery by the window.

  He has turned so many times, he can walk back all the way he has traveled, only people are different.

  Every minute, every second, changes are taking place.

  I missed it, I missed it.

  Just like now, he believed in his heart that Qin Youxuan was his biological daughter, but he couldn't get close.

   "President, I have been around a lot, do you want to go back?" The assistant looked back and asked respectfully.

   "Find a coffee shop and park."

   Ye Zhanxing weakly responded, and stretched out his hand to press his brow.


  The assistant quickly found a parking space to park.

  This is a downtown area, with cafes everywhere and a lot of people.

  Ye Zhan Xing did not book a place, but just chose a spot in the lobby to sit down at will.

What flashed in his mind was the scene where he met Qin Youxuan in a coffee shop last time.

  She held the hairpin so nervously and asked if he had seen it before...

  He never thought that she was looking for her own father.

   "Sir, your black coffee." The waiter quickly put a cup of coffee on the table, checked the order, and turned and left.

  The hot coffee in front of me was simmering, as if a wall of white fog had been opened in front of my eyes.

   Blurred vision.

   Ye Zhanxing stretched out his hand to cover his face, depressed like never before.

  He has been worried that he might have made a mistake, and he dared not confess his relatives rashly, but never thought that You Xuan would hate him.

  For so many years, he never took the initiative to set foot in F City, that place has become a forbidden place because of one person.

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