Hearing Qin Youxuan’s voice, she was stunned and turned her head.

  The next second, he hung up the phone decisively and walked towards her.

   "Girl, why are you here? There are so many people here, in case you run into you..." Ye Zhanxing glanced at her pregnant belly, pulling Qin Youxuan to a place with few people.

  "Shan Hanjie is with me, it's okay, why did Mr. Ye come here? You also like to watch the catwalk show? Wouldn't it be the long-legged female model who likes the catwalk!"

  Qin Youxuan pulled Ye Zhanxing's arm and joked with a smile.

  "Today's show is hosted by the Ye family, and the main designer is Yiru." Ye Zhanxing said the reason for his appearance, and greedily looked at the people in front of him.

  This is the first time he saw Qin Youxuan after he knew the truth.

  His dearest relative, the daughter he has not known for more than 20 years...

   Ye Zhanxing’s eyes flashed with tears.

  Because of the occasion, he has restrained his excitement.

  His eyes fell on Shan Hanjie, who was walking towards them behind him.

  The warm eyes flashed slightly.

  "There are too many people here and the air is not good. I know there is a Chinese restaurant next to it. Otherwise, if I go there to rest for a while, it’s not early. Are you hungry?"

Before Shan Hanjie approached, Ye Zhanxing spoke first.

  "Okay, Mr. Ye gave me such a good Buddha bead. I haven't had a chance to thank you yet. I'll invite you for this meal." Qin Youxuan shook the bead on his wrist and responded simply.

   Waiting for Shan Hanjie to step forward, he took the initiative to take his arm, "I want to invite Mr. Ye to dinner, Mr. Ye agreed."


  Shan Hanjie's enchanting eyes swept towards Ye Zhanxing, his eyes flashed, and he didn't say anything, letting Qin Youxuan drag him out of the mall to a nearby Chinese restaurant.

  Three people, both of them have been staring at Qin Youxuan, the atmosphere is very strange.

  Qin Youxuan can do nothing, take the menu and start ordering.

  After ordering a few spicy dishes, the two men recovered at the same time and took away the menu in her hand, "You can't eat so much spicy!"

As soon as the words came out, both of them were stunned.

  Also stunned, there was Qin Youxuan who was yelled at by two people at the same time.

  The little mouth opened slightly, and it moved several times repeatedly, but he couldn't speak.

  Hey, did she take two big housekeepers out today?

   "Change all the dishes just now, only keep one..." Shan Hanjie took the menu casually, crossed out the dishes Qin Youxuan had ordered, and ordered a few more light and nutritious dishes.

  As soon as he handed the menu to the waiter, the phone rang.

   "I'll answer the phone first." Shan Hanjie frowned, got up from the chair, walked to the window to answer the phone.

  Qin Youxuan could not miss the opportunity. Just as he was about to call the waiter to add food, Ye Zhanxing held her hand.

  "Your body..."


  Ye Zhanxing hadn't even said what he said, when a person suddenly came up at the table, raised the water glass on the table, and poured it on Qin Youxuan.

  No one who moves fast has time to react.

   Ye Zhanxing blocked Qin Youxuan without thinking about it.

   "Qin Youxuan, you are pestering my father again, you have to be shameless!" Ye Mingmei put the cup in her hand on the table heavily, flushing with anger.

   "Mingmei, what are you doing!" Su Yiru, who was slow to catch up, was also stunned.

   Once back to his senses, he hurriedly stepped forward to pull the excited Ye Mingmei.

   "Mom, today is your show, I finally called my dad, and in a blink of an eye I was deceived by this little fox. If this continues, even my dad will be taken away..."

   Ye Mingmei said, crying aggrievedly.

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