365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 941: There is nothing left in my mind

  He suddenly grabbed his heart.

  Ye Mingmei walked forward, reaching out her hand to pick up the report on the table, and her nervous fingers were shaking.

  The first reaction was to think that this was the DNA test report of her and Ye Zhanxing, but when she opened it and saw the name of the person on it, the whole person was stunned...

   "Qin Youxuan, how could it be her!"

   Ye Mingmei hurriedly turned to the last page and saw the above identification result, she was so scared that she sat on the ground.

   "No, no... I must have read it wrong..."

   Ye Mingmei's face was pale, and her shocked voice was shaking.

  Holding his hands behind him, looking at the report on the ground, it was like seeing some monsters and ghosts, backing away.

   got up from the ground and ran out staggeringly.

   Just ran to the door, and he paused in his footsteps.

   turned around, picked up the report on the ground, and put it back on the table.

   rushed out of the study in a panic.

   ran downstairs in one breath.

   "Why do you come down so quickly, what about your dad?"

  As soon as Ye Mingmei ran to the living room, Su Yiru stood up from the sofa and looked behind her suspiciously.


   Ye Mingmei's face was ugly, she was panicked and at a loss, and she didn't dare to tell Su Yiru what she saw.

   just froze there.

   "If you don't go back to the room to reflect, what are you standing here for?"

  The mother and daughter were in a stalemate, and they saw Ye Zhanxing walking downstairs.

   glanced at Ye Mingmei, and then made a deep voice.

   "Mom, I'll go back to the room first." Ye Mingmei's mind is blank now. She has a sullen face at Shang Ye, and she feels that she can't think about anything, and ran to her room after passing everyone.

   slammed the door shut and released the lock.

"What happened today is that Mingmei is not right, but she was terribly scared by Shan Hanjie last time. She just came back from the hospital. I am worried that she will be frightened again. I am afraid it will leave a psychological shadow. Don't blame her too much, she Just a spoiled child."

   "Child? A child knows to hurt others one after another? If you treat her as a child, she will never grow up!" Ye Zhanxing stepped forward and looked directly at Su Yiru.

  The servant who was still busy in the living room saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly backed out.

"Then what about you? Mingmei is not your child, is Qin Youxuan that? I have never asked some things about torture, and I don't think it is necessary. I have seen it in my eyes for so many years, I know you can't let her go... …But when you are partial to Qin Youxuan, can you think about it for our mother and daughter?"

  Su Yiru's eyes became red, and her voice became choked.

"Mingmei is proud of her temper and will not be modest, but even if she has more problems, you are also her father, how can you not even do what you promised her? Just talk to Qin Youxuan in front of her. gone……"

  Su Yiru shouted after a few words, stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, stepped back a few steps, and turned around.

  "Youxuan is my daughter." Ye Zhan closed his eyes and opened his lips weakly, "My biological daughter."


  Su Yiru's body was shocked, and she turned around in surprise, forgetting to wipe the tears on her face.

"what did you say?"

"Youxuan is my child to Yuyuer, my biological daughter. I just learned that I owe her more than 20 years of paternal love." Ye Zhanxing looked at Su Yiru, who was paralyzed on the sofa. Flashed.

  "But haven't you tested your DNA before, did you say she?" Su Yiru recovered after a long time, and grabbed the cushion of the sofa with his hands tense.

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