The little guy seems to be asleep, very quiet.

   "My son is not a drag oil bottle!"

"Well, he is not, you are." Shan Hanjie fed the porridge in the bowl one bite at a time, then put the empty bowl on the table and hugged her in his arms. Just be fatter."

   "Don't think that you can pass the level by coaxing me with two sentences. You also told me, who made the call just now?"

  "The suspicion is so serious, I started investigating the post." Shan Hanjie wrapped her waist with one hand, his chin raised slightly, and kept serving dishes to the plate.

   fed into Qin Youxuan’s mouth from time to time.

  Qin Youxuan waited for his answer and ate obediently.

  But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see him intending to speak.

   bit her lip, still asking, "Is it related to Yaya? Did you find out about her?"

   Realizing that his body was slightly stiff, Qin Youxuan suddenly became tense.

   "Shan Hanjie, is it really Yaya?"

  "What do you want to say? Why do you want to face me again for her business?" Shan Hanjie grabbed her arm, her fingers closed, and her black eyes were as deep as the sea, and a piece of icy cold formed.


  Qin Youxuan raised her eyebrows and was speechless.

  Shan Hanjie also realized that his tone was a bit heavy, but the previous picture was engraved in his heart and he couldn't get rid of it.

  He can't help but care. She used to ignore the safety of him and the child because of Ning Yanan.

   "I have something else, go to the company first." Shan Hanjie put her on the chair and turned around to leave.

  As soon as he took a step, his arm was caught.

  "Every time you get angry, you have to leave me behind. Sometimes I would rather you scold me a few words than be so cold."


   "Shan Hanjie, I hate that you left me alone at home, but only left me behind, just like you would leave me at any time." Qin Youxuan said, her aggrieved eyes blushed.

   stepped forward and held his waist.

   "I am worried about Yaya, just because she is my friend. If you can, can you not kill her? Otherwise, I can assume that I don't know anything."

  Qin Youxuan sniffed, holding back the tears falling down.

  The cold war some time ago really scared her.

   "I did not leave you, nor will I leave you." Shan Hanjie turned around and pressed her into his chest.

  Even when he was most angry, he remembered to promise her.

  Remember to say that she will never leave her all night.

  No matter how late you are, your brain's cells will start clamoring as soon as you stop.

  Until he couldn't stand it, he returned to her.

  He hates that he has no resistance to her, but he doesn't want to give up her addiction at all.

  "Ning Yanan is an enemy or a friend. It’s still unconfirmed. I don’t allow you to contact her secretly, or even meet her. If you promise me, I can keep her forever."

For a long time, Shan Hanjie closed his eyes and vomited a word.

  Qin Youxuan was taken aback, then nodded vigorously.

   "As long as you don't kill Yaya, I will promise you everything."

  The two reached a consensus and stopped arguing.

  Shan Hanjie fed her, dragged the lazy person upstairs.

  It is not suitable to go to bed immediately after a meal, but Qin Youxuan is tired from shopping and is not in the mood for a walk.

  As soon as he returned to the room, he fell directly onto the big bed.

   Just lay down, and was picked up by Shan Hanjie again.

   "Too lazy to go, just sit for a while."

   "I'm sleepy, otherwise you can find me something to do?"

  She can now fall asleep standing, let alone sitting.

   "Jie Shao, things have been delivered."

   Outside the door, the butler respectfully knocked on the door.

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