365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 961: Seeing it's going to be bad

  The butler spoke and took a package out of the cabinet next to it.

  "It's just that there is no address on the package, only a signature, and it is sent to Jie Shao." The butler was puzzled.

  Shan Hanjie’s letter packages will be signed by Yaolai, and will be delivered to Shan Hanjie after inspection.

  Only these days, Yao has been busy dealing with other things, and the package delivered to the villa has become a sign for the housekeeper.

   "What package? Did you buy something online?" Qin Youxuan asked curiously, standing up and preparing to take over the package from the housekeeper.

  Dan Hanjie took her hand, "Eat your noodles, don't try to hide, you are too skinny, eat more."

  Speaking, Shan Hanjie gave a piece of pork knuckle to her mouth, picking the fattest piece.

  As soon as Qin Youxuan frowned, Shan Hanjie had already stuffed the meat into her mouth.

   immediately ran to the bathroom with his mouth in disgust.

  "I haven't brought the things to the study room yet." Shan Hanjie glanced at the housekeeper. The housekeeper immediately knew, knowing that he was almost doing something wrong, and quickly hugged the package.

"You want to disgust me, stuff me such a big piece of fat, butler, bring me a glass of plum juice, butler..." Qin Youxuan blushed out of the bathroom, glanced at the restaurant, and found no The figure of the housekeeper.

   He blinked the cat's eyes in confusion, and looked at Shan Hanjie, "Where is the housekeeper?"

   "He is busy with other things, let someone else pour it for you." Shan Hanjie clapped his hands, and someone next to him immediately stood up and took the place of the housekeeper and poured a glass of sour plum juice for Qin Youxuan.

  Qin Youxuan took two sips, only to feel that the greasiness in her mouth was lessened.

   Reluctantly ate a few more bites of noodles before saying that he was full.

  Dan Hanjie did not force her, put down his chopsticks, and held her upstairs.

"Rui Wei will be here today, I will let her accompany you." Shan Hanjie gently placed her on the tatami on the balcony, and sat beside her, so that Qin Youxuan could comfortably lean on her shoulders. .

   "Then what about you? Are you going to the company?" Qin Youxuan grabbed his finger nervously, a trace of reluctance in the cat's eyes.

  She wanted Rui Wei to come, but she didn't want to leave alone.

   "If you don't go, I'll stay with you at home, but your body is not stable yet. Rui Wei is with you, I don't worry." Shan Hanjie rubbed her head with his big hands, his eyes full of endless petting.

  Qin Youxuan approached his arms with satisfaction as soon as he heard what he said and closed his eyes.

  Her body had just been bleeding heavily, and she just sat for a while to digest, and she started to fall asleep.

  Looking at it, Shan Hanjie became a ghost.

  Finally, the cat narrowed her eyes, tilted her head, and fell asleep.

  Dan Hanjie kept staring at her peaceful sleeping face, touched her belly with his big hand, and found that the little guy was also very quiet.

  After their mother and son fell asleep, they took her back to the room and put her gently on the bed.

   "Get a good night's sleep, I'm the other thing." Shan Hanjie bent over and dropped a kiss on her forehead, straightened up, and strode towards the study.

   "Jie Shao, I have checked it. The package is full of photos and there are no dangerous items." When the housekeeper saw Shan Hanjie, he hurried forward to report.

   "Where is Yao?"

  Shan Hanjie's eyes flickered, stepped forward, unfolded the photo on the desk, glanced at it, and made a deep sound.

  "President Ye is entangled outside, Yaote is helping to deal with it." The butler responded in a hurry.

   "Let him in." Shan Hanjie sat down at the desk, picked up one of the photos, and put it in front of his eyes for careful identification.

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