"He chose the guest room by himself, saying that he was worried that he would not be used to living." Qin Youxuan sat on the sofa, holding a pillow, blinking her bright cat eyes.

  Finger pointed to the backyard.

   lowered his voice, "I haven't seen anyone who likes to live in a warehouse. I suspect he has a problem here."

  Qin Youxuan's finger moved to his brain.

   "Let him hear, be careful that he prescribes you an extra month of medicine." Shan Hanjie grabbed Qin Youxuan's hand, pulled it to his mouth, and took a bite.

   "Obviously you pointed him to the warehouse deliberately, and it was naughty."

  "He asked me where the room is the largest, isn't that the warehouse." Qin Youxuan opened her eyes innocently, and didn't feel that she was wrong.

   "You let him live in the warehouse, haha..." Rui Wei was happy when he heard it, and smiled directly on the sofa holding his belly.

  I can’t wait to roll around ten times to express my inner excitement.

   "Xiao Xuanzi, I love you so much, you finally made a bad breath for me this time!"

   "It's okay, I am not for you, I am for the people."

"you know me!"

  The two people embraced excitedly.

   Just about to celebrate, the next second, they separated quickly, and they all sat on the sofa peacefully, watching the fifth choice, who returned to the living room with a dark face.

  Qin Youxuan stood up from the sofa without incident, "I just forgot that the warehouse is relatively large, but there should be no way to live. There are guest rooms on the first and second floors, so I should stay in it a little cleaner."


  Qin Youxuan hadn't spoken yet, Rui Wei, who was next to him, couldn't hold back a smile, and covered his mouth with a pillow.

  "Okay, stop making trouble, since it's all here, just live in, I let the butler vacate the second floor, let you live alone, there is a large study next to it, which can be converted into a pharmacy."

  Dan Hanjie stood up and pulled Qin Youxuan over, but he spoke to Fifth Chosen.

  Such a clumsy prank, Fifth Chosen should have discovered it long ago, but it still cooperates so well, and I don’t know why.

  Dan Hanjie’s gaze fell on Rui Wei, who was still rolling on the sofa with a smile, and his eyes moved slightly.

   raised his head, and sure enough, Fifth Chosen's gaze was also fixed on Rui Hua, who couldn't stop laughing.

  "I don’t care, I can live anywhere. I prefer who I live with. Jie, I’m enough. If so many people are here, will the goal be too big?"

   Rui Wei asked with a serious face.

  But everyone has discovered the cunning of the fundus.

  She just can’t wait to get rid of the demon of Fifth Chosen.

  "If you think that your medical skills are better than me, or you can pay off what you owe me, I can go." The fifth choice opened his lips casually and stepped on a sore spot.

   directly blocked Rui Hua's speech.

   glared at him angrily, took his suitcase from the housekeeper and walked to the guest room on the first floor.

   "I want to live in the farthest place from the devil."

  "Then I can suggest that you live in the warehouse. I just saw it. The farthest away from here. I have always been so helpful, no need to say thank you."


   "Well, I'll accompany Rui Wei to see the room, you talk first." Qin Youxuan saw that Rui Wei was going crazy, and rushed forward, pulling her into the guest room.

  She already has a hunch, and the days to come will not be too peaceful.

"My little temple can't accommodate you, the great god, why would I want to follow?" Shan Hanjie glanced at the fifth option, who then looked back from Rui Wei, and walked straight to sit in front of the sofa. under.

   "Jie, we have known each other for not ten or eight years. Since I can see that my mind is still calculating me, now I have this problem, not too much."

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