
"Okay, let's have a meal. Yun Xin clapped his hands, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"...," Chu Feng looked down at the bow on the back of his foot, not letting him touch the water and wait for a bath?

"What's wrong, is the wound hurting?" asked Yun Xin softly.

"No, no. Chu Feng shook his head, picked up the bamboo bowl and ate the already cold nightly meal.

"There is no way to hurt, you can endure it. Yun Xin playfully spat out Xiaoxiang's tongue, picked up the bamboo bowl and ate the meal.

Twenty minutes later, the evening meal was finished.

After Yun Xin cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, he went to feed the two rabbits to eat, and then took out the rope to perfect the shoes on the day before yesterday.

Chu Feng got up on tiptoe and walked outside the wooden shed, ready to drag a few logs back. He wants to make a table out so that he doesn't have to sit on the stone all the time to eat, and there is not yet a table.

"What are you going to do?" asked Yun Xin, looking up.

"Drag a log back and cut it into planks to make a table. Chu Feng said softly.

"I'll help you. Yun Xin immediately got up and prepared to help drag a few logs back.

"I can do it myself. Chu Feng refused.

"You call this okay?" Yun Xin squinted at his feet.

"Okay. The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched, even if he wanted to explain, he couldn't tell, and he felt that the girl had the appearance of a housekeeper.

"When I collected firewood today, I found a very large piece of wood, at least fifty centimeters in diameter and tens of meters long. Yun Xin said crisply.

"Where?" asked Chu Feng in surprise.

According to the girl's description, it may be a log that has been growing for more than a few decades, and as for what reason it died, this is not important now.

"Just on the edge of the jungle west of the camp, it was blocked by vines. Yun Xin raised his hand and gestured.

"Hmm. Chu Feng nodded and thought thoughtfully.

There was also a bonfire outside the shelter, and since the peeping of the jackal that day, Yun Xin still had a shadow of the night, especially the matter of going to the toilet at night, so she decided to burn a bonfire outside to deter those beasts.

She can't let Chu Feng accompany her to the toilet every time, even if Chu Feng is willing to accompany, she can't afford to lose that person.

"Just this piece of wood. Chu Feng slightly picked out a piece of wood that was not very big.

Big wood is used to make a table, mainly for burning, the night is too long, the fire needs large wood to burn for a long time, otherwise you have to get up in the middle of the night to add firewood.

"Wouldn't it be too big?" said Yun Xin in a deep voice, there were many large pieces of wood here in the pile of rocks, all of which she couldn't move.

This log is five or six meters long, and it seems that the fracture is broken abruptly, and the width is more than twenty meters thick.

"No, just right. Chu Feng bent down and picked up one end of the wood, ready to drag it back to the wooden shed.

"You be careful with your feet. Yun Xin said with concern, and stepped forward to help drag him away.

"Got it. Chu Feng replied and used his heels to kick the ground.


The sound of wood dragging over stones and dirt gave goosebumps.

Seven or eight minutes later, the two dragged the wood back into the shed.

"Sweating again. Chu Feng sighed.

"yes, sticky chirp. Yun Xin wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Take a shower when the sweat dries. Chu Feng dragged the wood to the middle of the fire and burned it.

If the sweat does not dry and go to take a cold shower, nine times out of ten you will catch a cold.

"Again breaking the wood by fire. Yun Xin asked curiously.

"It's less labor. Chu Feng sat by the fire and picked it up with a wooden stick.

He stared at the wood, always removing the charcoal from the wood so that the fire could burn inside faster.

Half an hour later, the burning part of the wood was only the thickness of an arm, and Chu Feng dragged the wood away from the fire, and then cut the final connection with a firewood knife.

Click, click, click...


The wood was cut off, and Chu Feng took the bamboo tube to water and extinguish the sparks on the wood, so that there were two logs more than two meters long.

"Now cut it in the middle of the wood and polish it again is a plank. Chu Feng muttered.

He dug a hole in the ground, put the wood in it and put it up, and pointed a firewood knife at the middle of the wood and chopped it, and the blade only went in a little.

Bang bang bang...

Chu Feng hit the back of the wood knife with a wooden stick, and split the wood with this impact method, which was both labor-saving and worry-free.

Bang! Bang bang...

He also knocked out the rhythm of 'two tigers', which made the girl smile.


A sound of wood cracking sounded, and the wood was split in half.

"It's flat. Chu Feng looked at the vertical section of the wood, as long as he handled it a little, it was a good material for making a table.

A few minutes later, another piece of wood was also split.

"Now there are four planks, and the rest is flattened. Chu Feng took a firewood knife and prepared to cut wood.

"Chu Feng, aren't you going to take a bath?" Yun Xin couldn't help but remind that the sky was getting colder the darker.

"Uh..." Chu Feng was stunned for a moment before reacting, and he forgot the time when he was busy.

"Give, this is yours... Towel. Yun Xin blushed and brought Chu Feng boxers and towels.

"You can boil water too. "

Chu Feng chuckled, and also reminded: "Wait a minute, (Li's) don't you want to wipe your body?"

"Got it, got it. Yun Xin answered with a red face.

Chu Feng took a towel, charcoal powder and boxer pants, stepped into the wooden cage bath, and then took a cold shower.

"Hiss... It's really cold. "

His body touched the water, his whole muscles tightened, and his heart seemed to stop beating for a second, giving people a very big sting.

Sure enough, I'm still not used to taking cold showers. Chu Feng pouted, his injured right foot split apart, and took a bath in a strange posture.

If the soles of the injured feet were wet, the girl would definitely chant him again.


"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). The cover was killed by the editor and had to be replaced with a new cover. "_

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