Early in the morning, after eight o'clock, the sun first rose.

"Hurry up and get ready to go hunting." Zhao Lei urged.

He looked at his brother lying on the grass, and suddenly regretted such a team, and his brother was too lazy.

Zhao Lei thought: I should come with my wife, stay for a year by then, and take a child back by the way, he...

"Good. Zhao Lei opened his eyes sleepily, answered in confusion, and felt that his whole body had no strength, which was the lack of physical strength caused by too little food intake.

"Now that the sun is out, if you don't set off now, the weather will get hotter and hotter." Zhao Lei said expressionlessly.

"Got it, don't rush. Zhao Lei answered a little irritably, and when he didn't sleep enough and his body was a little weak, he heard someone chanting in his ears, which was really upsetting.

Today is the eleventh day of coming to String Moon Island, and the food I eat is only a little lizard meat, and some wild berries, which is completely insufficient to support the calories consumed by an adult.

If you lie still, sleep after eating every day, you may also enter low-consumption mode, but the result is that the more you sleep, the more wasteful you are.

"......" Zhao Lei frowned, looked at the sun in the sky, and finally resisted the urge to get angry, otherwise he had to quarrel today, then don't think about hunting.

After some cleanup, with bows and arrows and rope, the two entered the jungle, avoiding the place where bear droppings appeared.

The two entered the jungle and ate wild vegetables and berries raw while exploring, which was their breakfast.

More than half an hour later.

"Wait a minute, there are footprints here. Zhao Lei shouted in a low voice.

"What footprints?" Zhao Lei was slightly startled in his heart, and quickly walked over.

"Human. Zhao Lei's voice was very solemn.

Zhao Lei froze, then reacted and asked, "Is it another challenger?"

"Most likely, this footprint is about the same size as us, and it should be two men." Zhao Lei analyzed in a deep voice.

The size of the footprints, a little analysis can tell whether it is male or female, about 90% of the paws of boys are larger than girls.

"When are the other challengers around our camp?" Zhao Lei's face was ugly.

If too many challengers appear in a place, then it will definitely consume more resources, and now the food in this jungle is limited, and two more people coming in will make them gain a lot less.

"Let's go along and take a look. "

Zhao Lei stood up and said in a deep voice: "Always understand who the other party is." "

"Hmm. Zhao Lei nodded in agreement.

The two of them searched for footprints in this way, and the more they walked, the more ugly their faces became, the surrounding trees were cut down and cleared a road, apparently the other settled nearby.

"What should we do if they live nearby?" asked his brother.

"Let's first look at what kind of person the other person is, if... Let's make a decision. "Zhao Lei just wanted to say ruthlessly, thinking that it was after the live broadcast that he 'braked the corner' in time.

"Hmm!" Zhao Lei knew what it meant.

Survival in the wilderness now involves amazing bonuses, and a lot of things can happen, like snatching food.

"There is a sound. Zhao Lei suddenly stopped, stretched out his hand to stop his brother behind him, and stared ahead with his eyes.

Zhao Lei tilted his head sideways, listened carefully to the sound, and it didn't take a while to distinguish it, and said in a low voice: "It's the sound of chopping wood, they are cutting trees." "

"Be careful, run if you see something is wrong. Zhao Lei instructed.

"I know. Zhao Lei nodded.

The two of them walked lightly and tiptoed in the direction where the voice came from.

Click, click, click...

A few minutes later, Zhao Lei and Zhao Lei saw who was chopping wood.

Two shirtless men, looking to be about thirty years old, were building shelters.

"They must have just arrived here. Zhao Lei analyzed in a low voice.

"Well, it looks like the two want to settle here. Zhao Lei nodded.

The addition of competitors also made the two a little nervous, and both wanted to win.

Do you want to go up and say hello?" asked Zhao Lei.

Both groups of people live in this jungle, sooner or later they will meet, and now it is the time to preconceive of the declaration of sovereignty and give each other some disgrace.

"Yes. Zhao Lei nodded.

"Let's go then. Zhao Lei got up and did not hide his whereabouts again.


The sound of dead branches breaking sounded, which immediately alerted the other two.

"Hello. Zhao Lei spoke first, raised his head and chest, and tensed his body to show momentum.

The two were stunned, and then one smiled in surprise: "Finally see the others." "

"Uh..." Zhao Lei and Zhao Lei, the two were completely stunned, what was the situation?

Afterwards, the four people sat on the ground and introduced one after another.

"My name is Chen Zhixi, a wilderness survival enthusiast. The younger man spoke.

Chen Zhixi is 28 years old this year, a rich second generation, and also an extreme sports enthusiast.

After all, with money, some material pursuits are much less, so some exciting things are what he pursues.

Chen Zhixi straightened his hair and introduced with a gentle smile on his face: "The one next to him is called Black Bear, a retired special soldier. "

"Hello. The black bear said lightly.

The black bear with a thick body was very shocked, especially after the Zhao Lei brothers heard each other or retired special forces, they felt even more pressure.

"I am Zhao Lei, he is my younger brother Zhao Lei, and we are both wild survival enthusiasts. Zhao Lei introduced simply.

"Did you land in this place!" asked Chen Zhixi with a chuckle.

"Yes. "

Zhao Lei nodded, and asked without loss: "What about you, I saw that you just built the shelter, and you moved from other places?"

"Yes, we have saltwater crocodiles in that area, it's too dangerous. "

Chen Zhixi sighed and said a little helplessly: "So I have no choice but to leave, I didn't expect to meet you, which is really good." "

"Uh..." Zhao Lei said.

That's great? Not necessarily.

"Let's work together. Chen Zhixi said in surprise.

"Huh?" Zhao Lei and Zhao Lei were dumbfounded.

What is this operation?

"You can think about it. Chen Zhixi said with a light smile.

"We..." As soon as Zhao Lei opened his mouth to refuse, he was stopped by his younger brother.

"Let's go back and think about it. Zhao Lei quickly answered, his finger was poking his brother Zhao Lei's back.

"Well, you are always welcome to join. Chen Zhixi grinned.

"Thank you, let's go first. Zhao Lei nodded and got up to leave.


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