Chu Feng's mood was very complicated now, and he pulled the corners of his mouth and looked at the smiling girl.

This was just a disappointment, and in a blink of an eye, it gave a surprise.

"Chu Feng, look over there, are there a lot of black fungus?" Yun Xin's eyes smiled, and his white finger pointed to the rotten wood in front of him.

This is a large dead tree, the branches are very large, from the main pole divided into three branches, two branches have broken and fallen to the ground, it is the split branch tree pole that fell to the ground is covered with black fungus.

"You're really my lucky star." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose.

He looked down at the deer that had fallen to the ground, still struggling to remember, and the bamboo arrow on his front leg did not know where it had been rubbed.

"I just stopped by and looked at it, but I didn't expect to find a deer. Yun Xin put her hands in her waist and looked full of excitement.

The two of them were going to have venison to eat, which made the girl happier than catching fish.

"I'll dispose of the deer, and you go and pick the black fungus." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Leave it to me. Yun Xin replied happily and trotted over to pick the black fungus.

The black fungus on these two sticks of wood, plucked to say less than three or four catties, is a good side dish.

Chu Feng squatted down, took the rope, tied the deer's hind legs together, and found the problem when he went to turn the front legs.

He saw that the front legs of the deer were just stuck in the stone crevice, and shook his head with a smile and said: "You are really unlucky, otherwise you will really let you escape to the hill." "

"Help you stop the bleeding first, but I can't let you die now." Chu Feng took a rope and wrapped it around the deer's wound, covering the wound.

He wants to bring back the living deer to deal with, and in this weather the animal dies, and if it is not dealt with in time, various parasites in the stomach will enter the meat.

Living deer are better, and this wilderness is not a good place to handle meat, and it is troublesome to accidentally attract carnivores.

More importantly, the heart and liver of the deer are things that cannot be left for a long time, and they must be cooked and eaten immediately after processing.

"Hey, let's say forty pounds. Chu Feng weighed the deer and estimated the weight.

Forty pounds of raw venison, after processing the bones and internal organs, etc., it is estimated that there are more than twenty pounds left, save some food, and can eat for a month.

After all, venison stew with wild vegetables is also a very delicious meal. As for wanting to eat deer (bbfj) meat alone until you are full, then twenty pounds of venison may not last for ten days.

"I have to go back quickly." Chu Feng put the bamboo basket down, put the deer into the bamboo basket, and then tied it with a rope, and then put the bamboo basket on his back again.

He walked over to the girl and asked, "How's it going? Have you finished picking it?"

"Pick it right away. Yun Xin didn't raise his head, and his small hand grabbed the black fungus.

Chu Feng also stepped forward to help, specifically picking those big black fungus, this time the food supplement formula was only left with chanterelles.

He plans to find a free time to look for chanterelles so that he can provide enough food supplements.

In about three minutes, the black fungus is picked.

"Let's go, let's go back. Chu Feng shook his shoulders and moved the shoulder straps slightly.

"The deer or two people to help carry it back." Yun Xin frowned.

"No, it's not very heavy. Chu Feng shook his head, walking faster with the deer on his back alone.

He left the hill with the girl, walked through the ravine washed by the mudslide, and the two walked towards the meadow.

Originally, Chu Feng wanted to go to the banana tree to take a look, but the appearance of the deer made his plan change immediately.

As soon as the two arrived at the edge of the meadow, they saw a group of rabbits running back to the rabbit hole.

"Chu Feng, look quickly, there are rabbits. Yun Xin shouted crisply.

"All fled. Chu Feng said with a wry smile, the two did not hide their whereabouts, and they were easily discovered by the rabbit.

"What a pity. Yun Xin pouted.

The girl does not hate the lack of meat, and now she only hopes to eat meat every day until she vomits.

"Let's go, let's go see if the grass has been harvested. Chu Feng said softly.

He estimated that after the two of them went back and forth twice, there should be rabbits rushing to the side of the small grass.

"Good. Yun Xin obediently replied and followed behind.

A few minutes later, the two came to the small grass and were pleasantly surprised to find that two rabbits had been hit by the rope sleeve.

"Chu Feng, caught the rabbit. Yun Xin shouted happily.

"It seems that today is a good day. The curve of the corners of Chu Feng's mouth curved even more.

He put down the bamboo basket and quickly stepped forward to untie the rabbit's rope sleeve, now that there is a deer, he can't let the two rabbits die.

"If you do the math, we have four rabbits. Yun Xin took the bamboo basket and put it in front of Chu Feng, which was used to hold rabbits.

The girl's thoughts fluttered, if four rabbits give birth to little rabbits, wouldn't there be many rabbits to eat?

"Okay, let's go back. Chu Feng tied the rabbit's feet and put the two rabbits in the girl's bamboo basket.

"Uh-huh. "Yun Xin has a bamboo basket on his back, and these two rabbits must weigh about ten pounds together.

The two embarked on the way back, and the smiles on their faces along the way were not contained.

"Drink more water, don't carry it back. Chu Feng took out the bamboo tube from the girl's bamboo basket, pulled out the plug and drank it in a big gulp.

Drink some water to reduce the burden.

"Okay. Yun Xin also took out the bamboo tube from Chu Feng's bamboo basket and drank the water in a small sip.

Although the bamboo basket is very convenient, Le's shoulders are really sore, especially if they have not carried it on their shoulders, and the two are not very accustomed to the pressure brought by shoulder straps.

The harvest is joyful, but the harvest must also be endured, and that is the real harvest moment.

After more than an hour, the two returned to the camp sweating.

"Finally back. Yun Xin saw the shelter, and her tired and pretty face was immediately full of vitality.

"Go and put things down. Chu Feng strode towards the shelter.

"Good~~" Yun Xin stretched his voice.

Chu Feng entered the wooden shed, took the lead in helping the girl put the bamboo basket down, and then squatted down to put down the bamboo basket, tested the neck of the deer, and found that there were still signs of beating, and the deer was still alive.

"Put the rabbit in the bamboo cage first. Yun Xin kept carrying two rabbits into the bamboo cage.

She brought a stack of weeds and stuffed it in, then crouched down to see that the stock had increased to four.


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