Chapter 134: The heart is so big. 【1 More self-ordered】


The roar of the beast is particularly disturbing in the night.

The audience in the live broadcast room, through the drone aerial camera, can see the situation outside the shelter, bears and jackals appear, they are hovering outside the camp.

Frightened, the audience 'brushed' the barrage.

"Oh my God, there really are bears. "

"Little Loli and the two won't be in danger, right? "

"Chu Feng, rush the duck, kill the bear and eat meat. "

"The front is crazy, isn't the bear so easy to kill?"

"Look at Chu Feng, he is still so calm, his heart is really big. "

"He didn't know there was a bear outside, otherwise he would be scared to pee." "

"It's really dangerous, if there is no such thorny fence, I am afraid that the two of them have become corpses." "

"It's not that exaggerated, there's still a fire." "

"When it was 11, I rushed out to kill the bear, and I had a few months of meat to eat. "

"It turns out that the night in the wilderness is so dangerous, I still plan to go to the wilderness to survive." "


Chu Feng doesn't know that there is a bear outside now?

No, he knows.

From the comparison of knowledge in his mind, Chu Feng easily recognized the roar of the bear. But also pretend not to know, otherwise the girl will not have to sleep tonight, and she will definitely be scared and can't sleep.

"Chu Feng, or... Come and sleep too. Yun Xin's whole body was wrapped in a sleeping bag, revealing her delicate cheeks, and her eyes looked worriedly at Chu Feng's back.

"You sleep first, I'll keep vigil." "

Chu Feng turned his head in response to a reassuring smile and said softly: "These venison must be smoked and moisturized, otherwise these beasts outside will not disperse." "

If the blood of this venison is not smoked, it will always attract bears and jackals outside to wander nearby.

Carnivores do not fill their stomachs every day, and many carnivores eat a meal, are hungry for days, and of course they will be restless when they smell blood.

"Then I'll wait for you. Yun Xin obediently answered, now he can't sleep at all, and the movement outside is a little big.

"......" Chu Feng burned the fire very vigorously, now the situation outside, the beasts are very restless, only smell the smell but can't eat meat.

He estimated that if a single person had a gun, it was estimated that it would be difficult to escape death when he went outside.


The sound of thorny branches being ripped off, followed by a cry of pain.


"It's a pity that you can't see the outside, otherwise it must be funny." Chu Feng smiled dumbly, completely imagining the appearance of the beast being pierced by thorns.

"Chu Feng, were we lucky last time?" said Yun Xin suddenly.

"Last time?"

Chu Feng was stunned when he heard this, and then reacted and said, "Yes, I was really lucky last time. "

Last time I talked about smoking fish, I caught more than forty fish, and the smell of blood did not attract the bear.

Maybe the bear was full then.

"Let's get some more thorns tomorrow so it's safer." Yun Xin said leisurely.

Tonight really scared her, she didn't expect that venison would attract so many beasts over.

"It's okay to have me here. Chu Feng soothed softly.

Today's events reminded him that the shelter must be absolutely safe, otherwise hitting the prey will also attract the snatching of wild beasts.

If they hadn't made the thorny fence today, relying on the fire alone, the two of them would have been able to see the green and shiny beast eyes around them tonight, and they could also see the beast hovering a few meters away.

Time passed slowly, and as the night deepened, there were more and more beasts.



The beasts linger outside the thorny fence, touching the thorns every now and then.

If these thorns were not long enough, the beasts outside would have forcibly pulled open the thorny fence.

"I don't know if there are wild boars. Chu Feng muttered.

The prey he wants to catch the most is the wild boar, but it is estimated that the wild boar will not come, after all, there are more carnivores outside.


Chu Feng grinned, yawned, turned his head to look at the sleeping bag, and the girl fell asleep unconsciously.

He ordered in his head: "Sign in." "

A virtual light screen appears in front of the line of sight, and the check-in date on it: 13th.

"Let's stay up until the wee hours of the morning. Chu Feng added a few more sticks of firewood to the fire.

After the wee hours of the morning, he will be able to receive his second seven-day sign-in package.

Woo hoo...

The fire smoked venison, and the smell made the beasts outside agitated.

In the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, this scene was clearly Chu Feng teasing the beast outside.


On Xiaoxianyue Island, the staff in the wooden house all paid attention to the live broadcast room of Chu Feng and Yun Xin, especially when they saw the presence of bears, they all became nervous, and some people had already gone to launch helicopters.

"Chief, would you like to bring the two challengers out?" the staff asked.

The challenger is in danger, and the staff will take people away in advance, which means elimination, but this can ensure the safety of the challengers.

"No rush. 517 Li Gu waved his hand, staring at the screen with cloudy eyes.

"But..." The staff still wanted to say something, but was glared at by Zhang Zhiwei next to him, and closed his mouth in disdain.

"This kid is smart enough to block the temptation and build the thorny fence first. Li Gu said lightly.

When ordinary people catch deer, of course, they immediately slaughter them for meat. Even if one thinks of danger, venison will be handled far from shelter, and who would think of building a thorny fence first?

"It's really smart, and the mentality is very good, and I live in an orderly manner. Zhang Zhiwei praised.

He is also very concerned about this Chu Feng and Yun Xin, especially the other party can perfectly handle the venison, even the deer blood is not spared, and it does not cause a little waste, which is what he is more optimistic about.

He admired the mentality of Chu Feng and Yun Xin, surrounded by so many beasts, he actually didn't pull the satellite phone for help.

"There will be no danger, don't worry about the two. Li Gu said lightly.

"Yes. The staff replied.


"One more,( ̄▽ ̄). Feilu breaks down every day, relax. "_

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