Early in the morning, it was sunny.

The sun shines high, providing sunbathing for the plants.

Shelter, in a sleeping bag.

"Hmm~~" Yun Xin frowned tightly, covered his stomach with his small hands, the whole person arched into a ball, his face turned pale, and the tip of his nose was sweaty.

She bit her lower lip and said bitterly: "Why did you come today? "

The girl came to relatives, and it was the kind that hurt more.

If this kind of menstrual dysmenorrhea is divided into four levels, then the girl is the third level, the most painful level is estimated to take painkillers, and the third level is also very painful.

Yun Xin covered her stomach, arched her head, and looked sideways outside the sleeping bag, just in time to see Chu Feng cooking breakfast.

She had been lying in her sleeping bag for a while, and Chu "Five Two Zero" Feng woke up in pain before getting up from the bed, and then pretended to sleep until now.

"What to do?" muttered Yun Xin, the menstrual pants must have leaked, and she was completely embarrassed to say ah.

This secret matter, even Chu Feng didn't want to tell it, she wanted to wait for her to solve it secretly and clean up.

"Hiss~~" Yun Xin took a breath of cool air, and the pain came again, one after another.

Some people say that the most powerful creature on earth is a woman, who bleeds for several days every month, and then jumps alive.

"The date is messed up, it's so troublesome." Yun Xin gritted his teeth and looked sideways at the word 'positive' on the calendar board, it had been 13 days since he came to the wilderness.

She calculated in her heart and said bitterly: "Today is October 5th, and it is actually 5 days ahead. "

It was troublesome 5 days in advance, it all disrupted the girl's plan, and she hadn't made a sanitary cloth out of fabric.

"What to do?" Yun Xin's eyes were blank, and she encountered the most embarrassing time in her life again, and she had the urge to dig a hole and get in.

The program group is inhumane, and the female challenger does not give a little more subsidy except for an extra vest and corset.

"Tell Chu Feng?" such a thought appeared in Yun Xin's mind, and then his brain made up a lot of embarrassing scenes.

She immediately shook off her superfluous thoughts and shook her head in her sleeping bag in distress: "No, absolutely not, it's too shameful." "

Yun Xin remembered the scene that happened at school in the previous two years and didn't want to experience it again.

Two years ago, she also came to the menstrual event in advance, and the side of her school pants leaked, hiding in the toilet and not knowing what to do.

Then, I didn't know that the ghost girl had many tongues, and actually said that the girl was bullied by someone blocking the toilet, and it was passed on to two, ten and hundred, and then to Chu Feng's ears.

This is fun, Chu Feng heard that he must be anxious, and he rushed into the girls' toilet with a broom, and he rushed in to scare a group of little girls watching the play to scream.

And then...... That day, there was a legend of the two in the school - Chu Feng took the girl on his back to take leave and go home.

On this matter, Yun Xin was ridiculed by the girls in the class for a semester.

Yun Xin is now arching her hips, afraid of blood making sleeping bags everywhere, this action makes her very uncomfortable.

After Chu Feng cooked breakfast, he turned his head to look into the sleeping bag and saw the sleeping bag moving around.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes, is this a bedridden girl?

"Wouldn't it be the one coming?" Chu Feng frowned and thought, and immediately reacted.

Do girls stay in bed?

Yes, but only if something happens, and if the average person suddenly abnormalizes, it means that something is wrong.

"Yunxin, get up for breakfast. Chu Feng shouted loudly.

He stared at the sleeping bag with both eyes, and found that the sleeping bag was not moving, as if the girl had suddenly fallen asleep.

"Exactly the same as before. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose.

In the past, when girls came to menstruation, they would stay on the bed I and not move, saying that it would be better if they were so.

In fact, he wanted to wait for him to leave before cleaning up the bed.

Chu Feng stepped to the edge of the sleeping bag, and reached open the mouth of the sleeping bag, revealing the back of the girl's head.

He patted the girl's head funny and said softly: "I know you're awake, turn your face around." "

"Hmm~~" Yun Xin made a coquettish and hazy sound, pretending to have just woken up,

The girl looked at Chu Feng with half-squinted eyes, her cheeks were a little blush, but her brows were wrinkled.

"That's coming?" Chu Feng stretched out his index finger and gently poked the girl's cheek.

"......" Yun Xin was silent, his gaze drifting a little.

"Silence, it seems that I guessed correctly. Chu Feng sighed.

"I, I'll just deal with it myself later. Yun Xin said timidly.

"When did you come?" asked Chu Feng softly.

"I woke up in the morning and found out. Yun Xin's voice was a little soft.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Chu Feng reproached.

"It's not a big deal. Yun Xin whispered sideways with a face, it has become a habit to come a few days a month.

She doesn't have the delicate dripping of some girls, as long as she handles it well, she can still do everything a day.

"Not a big thing, but not a small thing either. "

Chu Feng poked the girl's cheek again with his finger, and said softly: "It has escalated into a big thing in the wilderness, has it leaked again?"

"Oops! Yun Xin let out a shy cry.

"What about the sanitary cloth you made and where to put it?" said Chu Feng softly.

"That, that..." Yun Xin stood up, the tips of her ears flushed shyly.

"Didn't do it?" 5.9 Chu Feng asked in amazement.

"Well, I want to do it in a few days. Yun Xin muttered.

"Alas~~" Chu Feng let out a long sigh and said helplessly: "I reminded you before, just change the new environment or the pressure is too great, that will come early." "

When the girl moved from the orphanage to the rental house, she also came to the menstrual event in advance, and then the bed was removed and washed again.

"I, I forgot. Yun Xin remembered that someone still went to check what Du Niang told her.

That day was also an embarrassing day for her.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Asking for Customization, Chapter 3. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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