At eight o'clock in the morning, the observer's live broadcast room started on time, and the observation was the most popular live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room of Chu Feng and Yun Xin unknowingly ranked first, with more than 20 million people and more than 5 million Chinese dollars in gifts, which is the one with the most tips among the only 81 live broadcast rooms.

"Wow, Chu Feng is so warm, he actually sewed a sanitary cloth for Yun Xin. Wu Qingyue said crisply.

Meimu looked at the screen with a strange light, and in the picture, Chu Feng was awkwardly sewing a piece of cloth, this scene was full of lethality for many girls.

Regardless of whether a boy is good at doing something, as long as the girl is not materialistic, then when the boy is full of heart to do something, all he sees is the flash.

Especially a girl like Wu Qingyue, a girl with a particularly good family and no shortage of anything, for Chu Feng to help girls do handicrafts, such a scene that only happens in romance dramas, straight to her heart.

"I'm curious about what Chu Feng's head thinks, actually opening the sleeping bag to get cotton, ordinary people won't think about this at all, right?"

"Indeed, I wouldn't have thought of it otherwise. Wang Lin nodded in response.

"Teacher He, didn't the program team prepare sanitary pads for girls?" asked Wu Qingyue turning her head.

"......" Qi Weiting also turned her head to look over, even a girl like her who is very good at beating is very uncomfortable to have menstrual pain.

"No, it's up to the challengers to solve everything. "

He Ming spread his hands and said, "Two days ago, there was a pair of female challengers who chose to quit because of this matter. "

"To survive in the wilderness, some things just have to be solved by yourself. "

Wang Lin raised his eyebrows and said flatly: "Men and women in the wild are equal, if a girl survives alone, what should I do when there is no one to take care of?"

Wu Qingyue looked at the two stunned, and muttered in a low voice: "I just asked, but I didn't say anything." "

"Ahem..." He Ming and Wang Lin looked at each other in disdain.

"Qingyue, what will you do when you encounter Yun Xin in the wild?" He Ming immediately changed the topic.


Wu Qingyue held the water cup, shook her head hesitantly, and said, "I can't think of any good way." "

"What about Wei Ting?" He Ming turned his head to look at the quiet Valkyrie.

"Let it flow. Qi Weiting's words were astonishing.

"Poof..." Wu Qingyue sprayed out the water and looked at Qi Weiting with a calm face in amazement, is it so fierce?

"Ahem... We watch the live broadcast. He Ming coughed awkwardly and quickly changed the topic.

The fierce Qi Weiting thundered the three people present.

Qi Weiting tilted her head, is there a problem with this answer?


Chu Feng concentrated on sewing the cloth, although it was crooked, he looked quite satisfied.

After more than half an hour, the two sanitary cloths were completed, and the final cotton stuffing and sewing gaps were almost over.

"Let's disinfect first. Chu Feng poured the water in the steel pot into the bamboo tube, refilled half a pot of water, and then put the sanitary cloth in it and boiled it.

The cloth has been left for so long, and there is no laundry detergent or anything, so it can only be sterilized at high temperature, which is relatively safe.

After ten minutes, the boiling water rolled, and Chu Feng picked out the sanitary cloth with a piece of bamboo, hung it on the scrubbed bamboo, and then put it by the fire to bake.

Chu Feng got up and took clean clothes, walked to the shelter, handed it to the girl and said, "Clean the blood first, the sanitary cloth will dry immediately." "

"Huh? This... How can it be. Yun Xin looked at the boxers handed over, and quickly shook his head to refuse.

No paper, no extra fabric for you to wipe up. Chu Feng waved his hand, turned and walked towards the camera, this lens must be aimed outside.

"This man is so ashamed. "Yun Xin took the boxer pants and wiped them with this... Oh my God, you might as well use your own vest.

"Just wait and wash it, it's nothing. Chu Feng's faint voice came.

Yun Xin was stunned and hesitated, "It seems to make a little sense." "

"But... It's still a shame. The girl shrunk into her sleeping bag.

Streaming down......

Chu Feng turned his head to look at the twisting sleeping bag, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "After a few more experiences, you should get used to it, right?"

He turned his head and turned the napkin over, trying to let the water evaporate quickly, otherwise the girl was in a hurry to use it.

More than half an hour later.

"., it should be dry. Chu Feng touched the sanitary cloth with his hand, found that it was very hot, and quickly removed the bamboo sanitary cloth to cool.

After a minute or two, when it was not hot, he stuffed the cotton into the sanitary cloth, and then sewed the gap with thread, and the two wilderness versions of the sanitary cloth were completed.

"It's done. Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the two sanitary cloths that looked like insoles, feeling very satisfied.

He turned his head to look at the sleeping bag and shouted, "Yunxin, are you okay?"

"Okay, okay. Yun Xin Zhiwu responded.

"Then I'll come over. Chu Feng walked over with a sanitary cloth, squatted next to the sleeping bag, opened an opening, and saw the girl with a red face.

He said amusedly, "As for hiding inside all the time?"

"Hmph!" Yun Xin snorted shyly.

"Give, pad. Chu Feng handed over the sanitary cloth.

"It's like a (Lee's) son... Curious about it. Yun Xin saw the insole-like sanitary cloth, the corners of his mouth forced a smile, but his eyes were bent into a crescent shape.

"Verbose, change it on. Chu Feng glared at the girl and stuffed the sanitary cloth over.

"Hee-hee..." Yun Xin smiled like a flower and looked at the back of the proud Chu Feng, but her heart was warm, and it was so good to feel cared for.

She looked down at the sanitary cloth and squeezed it tightly in her hand, which should be cherished for the rest of her life.

"What's the daze, it's time to change to breakfast." Chu Feng urged softly.

"Oh~~" Yun Xin came back to his senses and answered in a long voice.

The girl blushed and got into her sleeping bag.


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