In the early morning, the sun shines on String Moon Island.

In the forest, two men were swinging knives.

Suddenly, one of them fell to the ground as he walked.

"Li Huaan, are you sure there is a bamboo forest here?" Zhang Zhenhua said with a dark face, brandishing the firewood knife in his hand and cutting the rattan that had just tripped.

Zhang Zhenhua, a middle-aged man with yellowish and waxy skin, is Chinese New Year's Eve two years old and the owner of a small company, and he is not yet the principal, his wife is the real power holder.

At the instigation of his cousin Zhang Zhenhua, the two participated in wild survival, and finally did not expect to be really selected.

His cousin, Li Huaan, is 25 years old and works as a security guard at his company.

The equipment chosen by the two men was a firewood knife, a steel pot, an axe, a sleeping bag and two storm jackets.

"Of course, I saw it from a distance in the mountains, and it should be this direction." Li Huaan said impatiently, since landing on String Moon Island, his cousin would ask messy questions in his ear every day.

They came down from the mountain, where they first landed, surrounded only by wild vegetables, and occasionally lizards could be seen, but neither of them could catch it.

"I tell you, don't be impatient, you brought me here, I can't eat enough or sleep well here." Zhang Zhenhua scolded with wide eyes.

After the two landed on String Moon Island, the two of them did not eat 17 full, and they ate wild vegetables every day to support them, only catching lizards when they logged in on the first day, and never eating meat again.

It was because of this that the two discussed it and decided to leave there and look for another place where food was available.

".......," Li Huaan's forehead jumped, and he held his breath in his heart.

He really wanted to beat Zhang Zhenhua, and his cousin would only blame others. He thought of the prize for the first place, and he could only hold back.

"Let's go, it should be almost there." Li Huaan resisted the impulse in his heart.

"You've said this for the third time, I think you're going in the wrong direction." Zhang Zhenhua pouted, his cousin has answered this every time since he set off.

Li Huaan darkened his face and continued to move forward without saying a word.

"Otherwise, let's quit, and I'll treat you to meat when we go back." Zhang Zhenhua continued.

"No, we're going to get the first place." Li Huaan shook his head and said firmly, he was absolutely unwilling to quit like this.

He didn't want to work for the rest of his life, especially in his cousin's company, where the wages were too low.

Zhang Zhenhua glared and shouted: "You want to be crazy about money, working hard is the most practical, you have to come to participate in this wild survival, and you can't eat enough..."

"Look, the bamboo forest has arrived." Li Huaan clenched his fists, and when he was about to erupt, a bamboo forest appeared in his line of sight.

"I really found it for your boy, go over and take a look." Zhang Zhenhua also wants to continue preaching. After hearing the arrival of the bamboo forest, he was suddenly shocked and hurriedly urged.

The two walked towards the bamboo forest, and a few minutes later arrived in front of the bamboo forest.

Li Huaan frowned, looked at the messy ground, and said in a deep voice: "There are other challengers here." "

"Then let's go to them and order meat to eat."

Zhang Zhenhua's face was beaming, and he quickly shouted loudly: "Is there anyone?" "

"Stop shouting. Even if people have meat, they will not give it to us. Li Huaan stopped,

He regretted it very much, he knew that he could be selected, why did he pull his cousin to sign up for a team together?

"Why not, don't think so badly of people." Zhang Zhenhua glared.

Li Huaan was speechless, slandering in his heart: I don't want to see where it is now, everyone is a competitor, why give them meat to eat?

"Huh? There should be bamboo rats here. Zhang Zhenhua scanned the surroundings and found the caves in the bamboo forest, and immediately became excited.

Among the friends he knew, there was a farmhouse with a large bamboo forest nearby, and there were also bamboo rats in the hall, and he personally caught them several times to eat.

"Really? If there really are bamboo rats, let's build shelter here. Li Huaan hurriedly asked.

"Absolutely, and there should be quite a few." Zhang Zhenhua grinned and swore that there were many holes like this in the bamboo forest, and the number of bamboo rats would not be less.

"Can you catch it?" Li Huaan hurriedly asked.

"It's very simple, just make a few rope sleeves at the mouth of the hole." Zhang Zhenhua said casually.

He lay on the ground, his eyes looking into the cave, and he probed according to the method taught by his friends.

"Then let's build a shelter here, there are just so many bamboos." Li Huaan was relieved and prepared to cut bamboo with an axe.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, there was a questioning sound behind the two, Liu Yiqiu and Liu Yimeng appeared, and it was her sister Liu Yiqiu who just spoke.

Liu Yiqiu made a straight face, holding a saber in his hand and staring at the two strange men vigilantly, and his heart was very nervous.

The two got up today to try their luck in the bamboo forest to see if they could shoot the bamboo rat again, but they did not expect to meet Li Huaan and Zhang Zhenhua, who migrated here.

"Huh? Woman? Zhang Zhenhua's eyes lit up, his eyes looked Liu Yimeng and Liu Yiqiu up and down, and he exclaimed in his heart: Twin sisters?

The two sisters Liu Yiqiu now look a little embarrassed, their hair is messy, but they can also see that they are two beauties, after all, slender legs, and face shape This cannot be hidden.

"Sister, another satyr." Liu Yimeng muttered in a low voice, and the bow and arrow in his hand tightened.

She hated the other person's hot eyes, and she was still staring, just like some boys she saw at school.

Li Huaan's gaze fell on the bow and arrow in Liu Yimeng's hand, and quickly waved his hand: "Don't be nervous, we, like you, are all here to participate in wild survival." "

"What are you doing here?" Liu Yiqiu reached out and pulled her sister behind her.

I'm not afraid of 10,000, I'm afraid that in case something happens in the wilderness, no one can come to save the two in time.

"Of course, it's looking for food, we already plan to build a shelter here, we can take care of each other in the future." Li Huaan chuckled.

"Yes, the four of us, we can help each other, it must be difficult for you two girls to survive alone." Zhang Zhenhua grinned kindly. 160

"Sister! They have bad intentions. "

Liu Yimeng turned her head and muttered in her sister's ear, "Don't believe their words." "

Liu Yiqiu nodded silently, glanced at the two, and said coldly: "This is the place we occupy, you change places." "

Li Huaan shook the axe in his hand, and said with a smile: "The program group didn't stipulate that we couldn't be here, right?" "

He could guess the intention of the program group to let them compete.

"You..." Liu Yiqiu opened her mouth, unable to say anything to refute it.

The program team did not have a rule that people could only stay in one place, and even she thought that if she did not have a good time here, she would move to another place to survive.

"Okay, don't bother us to build a shelter." Li Huaan waved his hand lightly.

In such a good place, how can he stay cheekily, after all, this is about the super jackpot.

As long as he gets the grand prize, he can climb to the sky in one step without having to be a security guard.

"Let's go." Liu Yiqiu's face changed slightly, her face was black, and she pulled Liu Yimeng to turn and leave.

"Sister, but we still have to catch bamboo rats." Liu Yimeng pouted, looking back at the bamboo forest step by step.

After eating a meal of meat, she had a bow and arrow, and she was not afraid of those two men.


"Three more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for support, positive code fourth more. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - 傂

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